There are several ways to get a PhD while working at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
The main paths are:

Enrolling in a joint doctoral program with CUAS and another University.

In this case, the PhD is fully funded and working on your PhD is 100% part of your job description (e.g. BRAIN.DOC). 

Enrolling in a university based doctoral program related to your current job position at CUAS.

Depending on your contract, you can maybe devote some work time to your PhD, but the main advantage is the synergy between your PhD topic and your work at CUAS, including access to the resources of CUAS (formal or informal supervision, connection to other researchers, access to laboratories and technological equipment, etc.). 

Enrolling in any university based doctoral program without a link to your current job position at CUAS.

In this case you do your PhD mainly in our free time. You are at any time entiteled to do so, but we encourage you to search for synergies within CUAS and use the support provided. 


The PhD network is connecting all researchers and employees at CUAS who are currently enrolled in a doctoral program at any University in Austria or abroad. The network aims to provide structures for networking and supporting each other. It is open to all who are writing a PhD or consider doing so. 

Please reach out to the PhD-network for further information and support. The network meets on a regular basis and hosts events like the Long Night of Writing. If you have no access to teams or the intranet (yet), please contact us directly:

Mag.a Gloria Bottaro
Mitarbeiterin FH Kärnten Research

+43 5 90500 7037

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Mag.a Karin Irlacher
Mitarbeiterin Forschungskoordination

+43 5 90500 7031

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Study & Work


With over 80 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences offers first-year students of a bachelor's or master's degree program the opportunity to combine their studies with a career. 

This attractive offer gives students the chance to immediately put theoretical knowledge into practice and gain professional experience in Carinthia's leading companies.

Study & Work | CUAS



Long night of writing

Several times in the semester, the PhD network organizes the Long Night of Writing, a possibility to do your own scientific writing in company. Originally invented in the Anglo-American scientific community, this concept is increasingly spreading here too. The aim is to provide space and support for working on texts and fighting procrastination together.

The Long Night of Writing addresses PhD Students in their writing phase, but also researchers, and other students currently working on a paper or thesis. There is no formal agenda, but the writing phase is structured in silent phases for concentrated work and breaks. The breaks are usually used for networking activities and peer feedback. At the beginning of the night there might be an input regarding writing techniques or scientific methods. Please find the upcoming dates and further details in the list below.