International Business Management master´s students starting in the winter semester 2019-20 will get the opportunity to apply for taking part in a double degree program with the International Business master´s program at TH Köln (Cologne University of Applied Sciences) in Germany. Selected International Business Management students can spend their second semester in Cologne and then receive both an Austrian master´s degree from CUAS and a German master´s degree from TH Köln. There is also an opportunity for master´s students from Cologne to join the double degree program, for which they will spend their third semester in Carinthia.
Professors Susann Kowalski and Wolfgang Veit, Directors of Graduate International Business Studies at TH Köln presented the signed agreement for the pilot phase of the double degree together with Andrea Stitzel (International Program and Accreditation Coordinator at CUAS), FH-Professor Dietmar Brodel (Dean of the CUAS School of Management) and FH-Professor Dietmar Sternad (Program Director, Master of International Business Management at CUAS) at the 1st CCLU Workshop on Research and Teaching Cooperation on June 12th, 2019.