First MCA graduates @CUAS

MCA Closing ceremony
Fotocredit: Helge Bauer

We are very pleased to celebrate the first graduates of the Master's programme Management of Conservation Areas at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

 Elisabeth Wiegele, Emily Chrystie, Olesya Petrovych and Marta Korchemlyuk graduate with distinction. More students will finalise their study in autumn. At a closing ceremony with students, teachers, board members, alumnis, partners, colleagues from CUAS and from all over the world we celebrate this memorable occasion. Hanns Kirchmeir and Tobias Salathé, as lecturers of the MCA, emphasised the importance of this training for the future of nature conservation worldwide.

Congratulations and many thanks to all who support this study! Once again, we can contribute to the mission of our UNESCO Chair: to empower and enable personalities, institutions and societies to face present and future challenges in the management of conservation areas.