Brigitte Seunig, MA


(graduated in 2009)
Faculty coach, FAB/BBRZ Reha GmbH

"I consider myself very fortunate that I had the opportunity to do my master’s degree in International Business Management at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

The extremely practically-oriented instruction allows a fast and easy implementation of the skills learned in later professional life. The cross-cultural orientation was very interesting and I learned a lot for my future career.  I would also like to emphasize the always friendly and professional support that I received.

My previous bachelor’s degree was in Health and Care Management , so I preferred to return to the social sector again. In the autumn 2010, I entered as a professional and social worker at BBRZ Reha GmbH. On July 1st, 2011 I will change internally (FAB) to the Production School  as a faculty coach teaching business administration. The objective is to strengthen the personal development of the participants and to improve their chances in the education system and the labour market.

I am able to combine both disciplines, Health and Care Management and International Business Management, well in my current work, which provides me with a good basis for my job."