
Strengthening crossboarder R&I capacities in ADVANCED HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES by developing synergies between Enterprises, R&D centres and higher education

LaufzeitMärz/2020 - August/2022
  • Wolfgang Werth
  • Projektmitarbeiter*innen
  • Heinz-Peter Ulrich Liechtenecker
  • Christoph Ungermanns
  • Stefan MISCHITZ
  • Elena Obtresal
  • Tanja Oberwinkler-Sonnleitner
  • Nina DORFER
  • Andreas Warmuth
  • Andreas Warmuth
  • ForschungsschwerpunktElektrische Energietechnik
  • Systems Engineering
  • ForschungsprogrammINTERREG VA SI-AT
  • Interreg SI-AT
  • The H2GreenTECH project looked at cost-efficient ways to make the European economy more climate-friendly and less energy-consuming through the development of hydrogen technology. The goal was to improve access to and the use of the research infrastructure for hydrogen technologies in Slovenia and Austria with the establishment of the Hydrogen Center, a one-stop-shop for enterprises, researchers, and students by 2025. Furthermore, CUAS developed competences in hydrogen technologies with the development of demonstration models to be used as well as educational modules. The H2GreenTECH project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria cooperation programme.