UNESCO Chair - Profile

Our Mission

Empower and enable personalities, institutions and societies to face present and future challenges in the management of conservation areas (MCA).

The UNESCO Chair for the Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas (MCA) shall provide excellent research and inspiring learning experiences for nature conservation in the 21st century. In particular, the Chair shall contribute to empower and enable personalities, institutions and societies to face the future challenges in the management of conservation areas. The Chair has been established in spring 2020. It shall become an internationally visible hub for excellence, innovation and new technologies in nature conservation. Activities of the Chair are based on an interdisciplinary, holistic and integrated understanding of conservation areas, as advocated and exemplified by UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, (natural) UNESCO World Heritage sites and UNESCO Geoparks.

Unesco Chair

The UNESCO Chair is rooted at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) where it is established at the CUAS Academy, an interdisciplinary institution for lifelong learning. The chair is held by FH Professor Michael Jungmeier. As an ecologist and human geographer, he has more than 30 years of international professional experience in nature conservation, especially in the planning and management of protected areas.

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has launched the UNESCO Chairs programme in 1992. Through this network, higher education and research institutions all over the globe pool their resources, both human and material, to address pressing challenges and contribute to the development of their societies. Thus, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is an active member of the global UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Program. This currently comprises a network of 850 institutions in 117 countries. We are proud of these partnerships and our intensive cooperation with the various UNESCO Biosphere Parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and UNESCO Global Geoparks. Find more information here: https://en.unesco.org/unitwin-unesco-chairs-programme.


“To our students we offer unique learning experiences on nature conservation and sustainable development. We want to inspire students and teachers as well by exiting learning formats, innovative settings and a professional learning environment. We learn indoor, outdoor and in virtual space.” All educational offers are conducted in cooperation with partners from different sectors and with an interdisciplinary bunch of teachers and trainers.

All, one needs to know about conservation areas, their preparation, planning and management – is provided in this comprehensive master programme. The unique educational offer shall enable participants to:

  • achieve conservation goals effectively,
  • use new ways of communication and,
  • deal with stakeholders in a better way

The course of study is based on profound theoretical bases, international standards and principles on one hand and on practical tools, lively experiences and best practice on the other. Particular emphasis is put on innovative technologies, trans-transcultural learning, the mechanisms of development cooperation and the personal competence to conduct inter- and transdisciplinary dialogues.

  • Title: Master of Science (Continuing Education) “Management of Conservation Areas”
  • ECTS: 120 (“Full master”)
  • Duration: 2 years, part-time (64 days of attendance in 4 blocks), blended learning
  • Partners: International Scientific Board, Institutional Advisory Board, Austrian Experience Pool, E.C.O. Institute of Ecology


Learn, exchange, enjoy. This is the mission statement of a summer university that takes place annually one week in July in the Lakeside Campus in Klagenfurt. It is an advanced training for decision makers and persons responsible for conservation areas.
The academy is comprised of an introductory conference, three intensive seminar days and a two-day field trip. The seminars’ focus changes each year, the workshops are conducted by international experts. This format provides the opportunity for extensive sharing of experiences and discussions at a high level. Participants bring their own showcase or problem. In an intensive 3-days seminar innovative solutions are developed in discussion with peers and internationally renowned experts.

EPA offers outstanding intercultural learning opportunities for executives of conservation areas.

  • Certificate: Issued by World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN/WCPA) and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  • ECTS: 3 (optional)
  • Duration: 1 week (including a two-day-excursion)
  • Partners: IUCN/WCPA, international institutions (depending on topic), E.C.O. Institute of Ecology

How are nature conservation measures at extraction sites to be implemented? How can be provided optimal nesting and breeding facilities for different species? How are neobiota (invasive species) or communal green areas to be managed? How are conservation devices such as bat detectors, camera traps and drones operated? The newly developed job profile of a ‘Nature Conservation Engineer’ embodies the competence for all hands-on conservation issues that occur on construction sites, infrastructures and in settlement areas.

Participants are, amongst others, employees of construction companies, of the energy, raw materials and transport industry, from planning departments, nature conservation organisations as well as from the public administration.

  • Certificate: Professional Certificate issued by Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  • ECTS: 6 (optional)
  • Duration: 1 year, part-time (30 days of attendance)
  • Partners: Institute of Civil Engineering (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences), E.C.O. Institute of Ecology


This educational offer aims to identify species using IT and AI-based methods. Specifically, these are identification apps (e.g. iNaturalist, Pl@ntNet, BirdNET, etc.), camera traps, optical and acoustic sensors (e.g. bat detectors, radars, etc.). The graduates will able to:

  • give an overview of the range of identification technologies, in particular their areas of application, reliability and technical maturity.
  • apply selected identification technologies (sampling, evaluation, documentation, interpretation and archiving)
  • apply a selected survey method independently and to critically evaluate the quality of the results.

There is a demand for qualified biodiversity experts in the field of applied nature conservation (protected areas, municipalities, specialist and planning offices, nature conservation organisations and institutions), educational and research institutions (especially schools, museums and universities) as well as in the field of nature education (environmental educators, nature and hiking guides, etc.).


Aktuell entwickeln wir weitere Ausbildungsformate. Bleiben wir in Kontakt.

Are you ready to pave the way for a greener future? At Green Transition Engineering, we believe that achieving the goals of the green transformation requires efficient and well-informed decision-making. That‘s why we emphasize the power of data in our approach. Data holds the key to understanding the current state of affairs and identifying effective sustainability measures.

With expertise in data engineering and understanding of global connections across ecological, economic, and social realms, our graduates are uniquely positioned to shape the future of sustainable development.

The bachelor degree program "Green Transition Engineering" provides a broad and application-oriented basic education in the various transition disciplines (society, economy, ecology), the basic competences in the natural sciences and their technical possibilities, digitalisation and data engineering with relevant sensor, environmental and climate data, as well as fields of application. Accordingly, the curriculum is divided into nine focus areas in which specific competences are acquired and the Bachelor Thesis for completing the studies.





Join the BEST NATURE Programme

Are you a student at CUAS and passionate about nature protection and restoration? We have an incredible opportunity…

Watermanagement in the Metschacher Moos "the Mire of Metschach"

Checking groundwater loggers in our Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse field lab for the biodiversitätsfonds project MEMO.

Invitation to the ForestConnect Expert Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

We warmly invite you to our Forest Connect Expert Meeting. This event brings together international experts and practitioners to…

UNESCO Chair team is growing!

We’re thrilled to introduce Marta Polizzi and Polona Zakrajšek, who are joining our team to help us reach new heights!


Conservation areas have turned more and more into model regions for both the conservation of biodiversity and equitable sustainable development. UNESCO sites such as biosphere reserves, world heritage sites and geoparks are based and directly interrelated to UNESCO´s goals and values. Hence, these sites have become learning sites for translating international policies and standards into real life contexts. This raises important and exciting research questions that shall be addressed by the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas.

  • Protected area research with a focus on UNESCO World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Geoparks, Nature and National Parks and Natura 2000 sites
  • Scientific support and accompanying research on the planning, establishment and management of protected areas and protected area systems
  • Applied nature conservation research with a focus on biodiversity, global change, ecosystem services and natural processes
  • Applied research and development of conservation technologies, concepts and standards
  • Scientific support for sustainability processes in organisations, regions and states

Particular emphasis shall be given to trans-disciplinary and trans-cultural research designs, new methods and new technologies and fair formats of citizen science. Research activities of the Chair shall contribute to strengthening conservation areas locally, nationally, regionally and globally as well. UNESCO sites and UNESCO programmes shall directly benefit from enhanced capacities, research findings and experiences as generated in the Chair´s work.


ZdrauA: Next-generation biomonitoring of Drava/Drau for sustainable and healthy regional development

The Interreg Slovenia-Austria project Zdraua: Next-generation biomonitoring of Drava/Drau for sustainable and healthy regional development comprises…

PASTERZE. Self-willed nature as a legal subject.

In this research project, an interdisciplinary team of sociologists, ecologists, human geographers and legal scholars is nvestigating the…

Permanent Secretariat for the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”

The Trilateral Permanent Secretariat for the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of…

The ComWet Project: Wetland Monitoring and Conservation in the Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve

In the project ComWet, funded by Africa-UniNet, an international, interdisciplinary team from the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of…


Carinthia Nature Tech

Cooperation with Natural Science Association for Carinthia

Metschacher Moos: SKS Outdoor Laboratory for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Cooperation with the "Stiftung der Kärntner Sparkasse" (Foundation of the Bank of Carinthia)

Cooperation Science_Linknockberge

Science_Linknockberge: Connecting a biosphere region and the scholarly world

Cooperation with Biosphere reserve Nockberge (Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge UNESCO Biosphere Reserve) and Klagenfurt University


Core Team

Michael Jungmeier is chairholder.  Throughout his career, the ecologist and human geographer has been focusing on biodiversity research, concepts and tools in nature conservation, on human-nature-relationship and environmental history. He worked extensively with inter- and transdisciplinary research designs and methods and has a long track of academic lectureships at different universities.  Jungmeier has worked in planning and consulting of conservation areas, as well as in research and education, capacity building and training for more than 30 years.

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Jungmeier
Professor for Nature Conservation and Sustainability

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 4314

Monika Auinger is senior researcher at the UNESCO Chair. She is a human geographer with a focus on regional development in rural areas and has specific qualifications in transdisciplinary projects. Monika is responsible for developing and conducting research projects together with partners and stakeholders.

Monika Auinger, MSc.
Senior Researcher for Nature Conservation and Sustainability

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 (0)5 90500-2145

Sofia Bergmann supports the team in the field of office organisation. She is responsible for administrative and organisational tasks of the UNESCO Chair team.

Sofia Bergmann
Office Support - UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 (0)5 90500-2149

Polona Zakrajšek is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. She has a bachelor’s degree in Geography and a master’s degree in Forestry, Water and Landscape Management, with a focus on mountain (primary) forests, forest ecology, biodiversity monitoring, and nature conservation.

Polona works for the Permanent Secretariat of the World Heritage “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”. The Secretariat is hosted at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

Polona Zakrajšek, MSc.
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 (0)5 90500-2255


Alexandra Liegl is the Head of the CUAS Academy. She is responsible for the overall coordination of all educational offers and the management of the CUAS Academy.

Mag.a Alexandra Liegl 
Head of CUAS Academy

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 4311



Melina Hierländer works as course administrator at the CUAS Academy. She is responsible for the administration of the master programme “Management of Conservation Areas” that includes a range of tasks such as correspondence, lesson planning and giving support to applicants and students.

Melina Hierländer

+43 5 90500 4305

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach


Christina Moser works as course administrator at the CUAS Academy. She is responsible for the administration of the certificate course “Nature Conservation Engineer” that includes a range of tasks such as correspondence, lesson planning and giving support to applicants and students.

Christina Moser 

+43 5 90500 4303

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach




Vanessa Berger is a senior researcher and project manager at the UNESCO Chair. She is an ecologist specialized in spatial and temporal analysis, mobile data collection, and vegetation ecology. Her primary research interest lies in integrating new technologies into biodiversity monitoring workflows. Besides the work in other projects, her focus is mainly on the implementation and management of the FFG - Coin (capacity building) project 'BioMONITec - Biodiversity Monitoring Technologies - Test, Development and Transfer of disruptive engineering technologies into conservation practice'.

Vanessa Berger, MSc
Senior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2139




Lucia Castillo is a student assistant at the UNESCO Chair. She has a first degree in Communication and a Master's degree in Integrated Water Resources Management from Ecuador. She is currently a student in the Geoinformation and Environment study program at FH Kärnten. Lucia works in the projects ‘BESTNATURE – Boosting EU Biodiversity Strategy by Empowering Higher Education Curricula and Green Skills for Nature Protection and Restoration’ and ‘S.O.S. Metschacher Moos: Emergency Measures for the Restoration of a Degraded Habitat’.

Lucia Castillo
Student assistant

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach



Daniel Dalton is a Senior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. He has a background as a specialist in integrated pest management of fruit and berry crops, focusing on insects. Daniel works on the implementation of the COIN project, ‘biodiversity monitoring technologies’ (BioMONITec).

Daniel Dalton, PhD
Senior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2141



Julian Greiler is a project assistant at the UNESCO Chair. He is currently a student in the Landscape planning and Landscape architecture study program at BOKU- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Julian supports projects with visitor monitoring within protected areas, for example the INTERREG IT-AT project INDIALPS.

Julian Greiler
Project assistant on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach
+43 5 90500 2166





Jennifer Lisa Insupp is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. She is a zoologist, worked mainly on temporal species turnover in amphibians and reptiles in the tropics and on species protection on buildings in urban areas. Jennifer works on the implementation of the COIN project, ‘biodiversity monitoring technologies’ (BioMONITec).

Jennifer Lisa Insupp, MSc.
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 4309




Gerfried Pirker is a Nature Conservation Engineer with further training in forestry and agriculture, along with expertise in equipment and technology. His work focuses on equipment and technology and he supports the research team in various projects such as Golden Toad Award, INDIALPS or MEMO.

Gerfried Pirker

Nature Conservation Engineer

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 4010

Marta Polizzi is a biologist and natural scientist with a focus on bat ecology. Her main interests regard spatial and temporal analysis, climate change, conservation ecology, animal behavior and bioacoustics. She has been involved in local bottom-up movements for the protection and re-appropriation of natural areas in urban contexts, and has experience with citizen science projects and environmental education.

Marta Polizzi, MSc
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2257




Lilia Schmalzl is Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the UNESCO Chair. She is a geographer with a focus on sustainability, social acceptance of renewable energies, water management and tourism in Conservation Areas. Lilia currently works on project management and implementation of the INTERREG Central Europe project HUMANITA and the INTERREG IT-AT project INDIALPS.

Lilia Schmalzl, MSc
Senior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 4315






Johanna Schulz is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. She is a biologist with a focus on genetics, in particular the sampling, processing and analysis of environmental DNA.
Johanna works on the implementation of the COIN project ‘biodiversity monitoring technologies’ (BioMONITec).

Johanna Marion Schulz, MSc.
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2181



Selina Straßer is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. She is a pedagogue with a focus on adult education and vocational training. Selina works on the implementation of the Horizon 2020 project SHARED GREEN DEAL and is responsible for the cooperation project Science_Linknockberge.

Selina Straßer, BA MA
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2142


Klaus Steinbauer is a Senior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. He is a biologist with a focus on biodiversity research, long-term monitoring and mountain ecology. Klaus works on the implementation of the COIN project, ‘biodiversity monitoring technologies’ (BioMONITec).

Mag. Dr. Klaus Steinbauer
Senior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2138




Vid Švara is a Senior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. He is a biologist with an expertise in biodiversity research, genetic identification methods, and effects of environmental change on biota. Vid is coordinating and working on the implementation of genetic identification methods in diverse projects at the Chair including a Horizon Europe project HelEx, a Biodiversa+ project DNAquaIMG, an ÖAW and FWF Disruptive Innovation project ProTecteDNA, an Interreg Central Europe project Humanita, and a FFG COIN project BioMONITec.

Dr. rer. nat. Vid Švara

Senior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2146

Ilja Svetnik is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair. He is a biologist and ecologist with a focus on biodiversity management and science communications. Ilja works on the implementation of a testsite of biodiversity technologies.

Ilja Svetnik, MSc
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 2148



Elisabeth Wiegele is a Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair . She is a geographer and trained nature conservation engineer. Her research and work focuses on nature conservation in civil engineering, management of invasive species and management of protected areas. She is responsible for the coordination of the nature conservation engineer course.

Elisabeth Wiegele, MSc.
Junior Researcher on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

FH Kärnten – Campus Villach
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach

+43 5 90500 5140






Golden Toad Award

The Golden Toad Award is a prestigious competitive award that recognizes and promotes innovations in nature conservation in construction.


NAVO: Nature conservation strategy Land Vorarlberg

In Austria's federal system, the responsibility for nature conservation lies with the individual provinces (Bundesländer). It is essential to execute…

Vegetation monitoring: green roof HTL-Lastenstraße

Together with partners HTL-Lastenstraße and GRÜNSTATTGRAU, the UNESCO CHAIR investigates the influence of vegetation on electricity production.

unesco nockberge biosphere reserve

EuroMAB conference proceedings

In this project, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is commissioned to produce a conference volume on the international EuroMAB conference…


Aigner S., Granig P., Jungmeier M., Zwander H., 2024: Carinthia Nature Tech: A new forum for integrating natural sciences and emerging technologies. In: Carinthia II, 214./134. Part 3 – Nature Tech, Klagenfurt, p. 4-6. Download

Ambrosi L., Berger V., Rainer G.,Obojes N., Tappeiner U., Tasser E., & Leitinger G., 2024. Spatiotemporal variability of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands and its biotic and abiotic drivers. Ecohydrology, e2633. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2633

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., 2024: Schutzgebiete im Alpenbogen. In: Österreichischer Alpenverein (eds): Bergauf. 03/2024. 74-77. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Hilgarter K., 2024: expedition.nationalpark.2023 – Heiligenblut am Grossglockner: Rethinking tourism. The Future of Tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic Region. October 22nd - October 24 th 2024. Hermagor. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Hilgarter K., 2024: expedition.nationalpark.2023 – Heiligenblut am Großglockner: Tourismus neu denken. Villach. ISBN 978-3-99076-111-3. DOWNLOAD

Berger V., Dalton D. T., Steinbauer K., Insupp J. L., Schulz J. M., Švara V., Jungmeier M., 2024: Unlocking nature’s secrets – Digital Twins, eDNA and AI in nature conservation – a glimpse into the BioMONITec project. Forum Alpinum 2024, June 13th – 14th 2024, Kranjska Gora. ISBN 978-961-05-0899-1 (PDF), p. 53. DOWNLOAD

Dalton D., Berger V., Kirchmeir H., Adams V., Botha J., Halloy S., Švara V., Torres Ribeiro K., Chaudhary S., Jungmeier M., 2024: A framework for monitoring biodiversity in protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures: Concepts, methods and technologies. IUCN WCPA Technical Report Series No. 7, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. doi: https://doi.org/10.2305/HRAP7908. DOWNLOAD

Gruber M., Fian L., Leuschner M., Nagele G., P. Anna, Pöcher J., Strasser S., 2024: Re(ad)dress – Einstieg in den Umstieg – Ein Programm zur Perspektivenbildung und Neuorientierung für ehemalige Sexarbeiter*innen in Kärnten. Kärntner Jahrbuch für Politik 2024, Hermagoras, 200-218. DOWNLOAD

Insupp J., Berger V., Greßmann G., 2024: Blending tradition with innovation: how acoustic sensors are revolutionizing rock ptarmigan monitoring. In: Carinthia II, 214./134. Part 3 – Nature Tech, Klagenfurt, p. 67-70. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., 2024: Wellen und Muster der Europäischen Naturschutzpolitik in Kärnten – Das Beispiel Renaturierungsverordnung (RNV). Kärntner Jahrbuch für Politik 2024, Hermagoras, 231-241. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Berger V., Kirchmeir H., Strelnikova D., 2024: Conceptualizing the management of conservation areas: the launch of IPAM Toolbox 2.0. Forum Alpinum 2024, June 13th – 14th 2024, Kranjska Gora. ISBN 978-961-05-0899-1 (PDF), p. 55. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Berger V., Kirchmeir H., Strelnikova D., Wiegele E., 2024: Advancing technologies: IPAM Toolbox 2.0 for planning and management of Conservation Areas (MCA). In: Carinthia II, 214./134. Part 3 – Nature Tech, Klagenfurt, p. 49-61. DOWNLOAD

Komposch C., Glatz-Jorde S., Jungmeier M., Lamprecht J., 2024: Biodiversität im Biosphärenpark Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 8. GEO-Tages der Natur 2023 – Auf der Suche nach zoologischen & botanischen Bären in der Bärengrube. Carinthia II, 214./134. Jahrgang, 61-132. DOWNLOAD

Sadoun M., Dalton D., Berger V., Paulus G., Anders K.-H., Svetnik I., Schultz J., and Unglaub P., 2024: High resolution environmental monitoring of pollinator insects through macro camera trapping and AI. Extended abstract, 4th International Workshop on Camera Traps, AI, and Ecology. September 5th 2024. Hagenberg / online. DOWNLOAD

Schmalzl L., De Bortoli I., Taczanowska K., 2024: Digital trails: harnessing outdoor and fitness app data for sustainable tourism management in sensitive ecosystems. Forum Alpinum 2024, June 13th – 14th 2024, Kranjska Gora. ISBN 978-961-05-0899-1 (PDF), p. 56.DOWNLOAD

Schmalzl L., Kieliszek Z., 2024: Improvement of accuracy of different automatic visitor counting devices to monitor cyclists in conservation areas. In: Carinthia II, 214./134. Part 3 – Nature Tech, Klagenfurt, p. 71-76. DOWNLOAD

Wiegele E, Korchemlyuk M., Chrystie E., 2024: Implementing Nature for Peace: Multilateral Collaborations and Project-Based Initiatives in the Carpathian National Nature Park – A Case Study. 17. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen. April 17th - 18th 2024. Krems. DOWNLOAD


Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Mayer H., 2023: EuroMAB conference proceedings 2022. Kärntner Biosphärenparkfonds (eds.). Ebene Reichenau. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Mayer H., 2023: EuroMAB Konferenzbericht 2022. Kärntner Biosphärenparkfonds (Hrsg.). Ebene Reichenau. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., 2023: Parks 4.0 – Schutzgebiete als Chance für Berggebiete. In: Oedl-Wieser, T., Machold, I. (Hrg.) 2023: Zur Zukunft der Berggebiete. Reflexionen zu Regional- und Berggebietsentwicklung. Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Bergbauernfragen. Wien (BAB Report, 006), 33–40. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Hilgarter K., 2023: expedition.nationalpark.2022 – Mallnitz: Landwirtschaft im Wandel. Verlag Heyn, Klagenfurt. ISBN 978-3-7084-0683-1. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Hilgarter K., 2023: expedition.nationalpark.2022. 8. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz. April 18th - April 21st 2023. Linz. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., Jungmeier M., Hilgarter K., 2023: expedition.nationalpark.2022 – Dialogue as a method for a transdisciplinary format. Proceedings of Science, 442:17. doi: 10.22323/1.442.0017. DOWNLOAD

Auinger M., 2023: SCiENCE_LINKnockberge research cooperation. Connecting a Biosphere Region and the scholarly world. Science and Research in, for and with UNESCO Biosphere Reserves conference 2022. May 16th - 20th 2022. Chorin-Schorfheide. DOWNLOAD

Berger V., Švara V., Svetnik I., Wohlfahrt S., Jungmeier M., 2023: Neue Technologien im Einsatz. In: Glatz-Jorde S., Lamprecht J., Schäfer I., Jungmeier M. (eds.): Biodiversität im Biosphärenpark Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 7. GEO-Tages der Natur 2022, Carinthia II, 213./133 Jahrgang, 17-88. DOWNLOAD

Chrystie E., Korchemlyuk M., Wiegele E., 2023: Implementation of the Nature for Peace Concept to Support Protected Areas Through Multilateral Thematic Based Partnerships and Project Based Cooperation. In: Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference protected areas and local communities: Exploring the challenges of nature conservation and human well-being. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Dalton D.T., Berger V., Adams V., Botha J., Halloy S., Kirchmeir H., Sovinc A., Steinbauer K., Švara V., Jungmeier M.,  2023: A conceptual framework for biodiversity monitoring programs in conservation areas. Sustainability. 15(8):6779. doi:10.3390/su15086779. DOWNLOAD

Dalton D. T., Berger V., Steinbauer K., Švara V., Jungmeier M., 2023: The monitoring global guideline framework for biodiversity monitoring. In: Wrbka T. & Übl C., 2023 (eds.): Conference Volume to the 7th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2022, Vienna, 33-37. DOWNLOAD

Erlacher M., Jungmeier M., 2023: Landschaftswandel in Kärnten. Gründe und Hintergründe des Biodiversitätsverlustes. In: Komposch C. (Hrg.), 2023: Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere Kärntens. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Kärnten, Klagenfurt, 63-73.

Erlacher M., Gela A.G., Derseh A.A., Mengistu D.A., Ebistu T.A., Jungmeier M., Car A., 2023: Collaborative Monitoring for Sustainable Development of Lake Tana UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. 16. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen. April 19th-20th 2023. St. Pölten. DOWNLOAD

Glatz-Jorde S., Lamprecht J., Schäfer I., Jungmeier M., Komposch C., 2023: Biodiversität im Biosphärenpark Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 7. GEO-Tages der Natur 2022. Carinthia II, 213./133. Jahrgang, 17-88. DOWNLOAD

Hirschmugl M., Sobe C., Di Filippo A., Berger V., Kirchmeir H., Vandekerkhove, K. 2023: Review on the Possibilities of Mapping Old-Growth Temperate Forests by Remote Sensing in Europe. Environmental Modeling & Assessment. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-023-09897-yDOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M. et al., 2023: Mitarbeit an: Komposch C. & Egger E., 2023: Eine zoologisch orientierte Definition von Biotoptypen. In: Komposch C. (Hrg.), 2023: Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere Kärntens. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Kärnten, Klagenfurt, 135-146. DOWNLOAD

Köstl T., Berger V., Kirchmeir H., Hecke C., Jungmeier M., 2023: Documentation of natural processes in the Gesäuse National Park. In: Wrbka T. & Übl C., 2023 (eds.): Conference Volume to the 7th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2022, Vienna, 147-147. DOWNLOAD

Mermer S., Maslen E.A., Dalton D.T., Nielsen A.L., Rucker A., Lowenstein D., Wiman N., Bhattarai M., Soohoo-Hui A., Harris E.T., Pfab F., and Walton V.M. 2023: Temperature-Dependent Life Table Parameters of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the United States. Insects 14(3): 248. DOI: 10.3390/insects14030248. DOWNLOAD

Raths J., Švara V., Lauer B., Fu Q., Hollender J., 2023: Speed it up: How temperature drives toxicokinetics of organic contaminants in freshwater amphipods. Global Change Biology, 29, 1390–1406. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16542 DOWNLOAD

Schmalzl L., Hartmann G., Berger V., Jungmeier M. (2023). Towards a transnational strategy to monitor visitor flows in the Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark. 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks. September 07th - 11th 2023, Marrakech. DOWNLOAD

Schmalzl L., Kieliszek Z., 2023: Report on good-practice examples to monitor environmental impacts of tourism inside protected areas. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach. DOWNLOAD

Straßer S., 2023: Informal learning through nature experience – the educational practice of rangers in a biosphere reserve. In: Lopez, J.B/Rauch, F.: Research and Practices in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. APEduC Journal, Vol.4 (1): 78-86. DOWNLOAD

Švara V., Berger V., Dalton D. T., Steinbauer K., Jungmeier M., 2023: Applicability of eDNA metabarcoding for biodiversity assessment in the sensitive ecosystems of nature protection areas. In: Wrbka T. & Übl C., 2023 (eds.): Conference Volume to the 7th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2022, Vienna, 290-290. DOWNLOAD

Švara V., Berger V., Dalton D. T., Steinbauer K., Jungmeier M., 2023: eDNA metabarcoding applicability for biodiversity assessment in a nature protection area. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V.: Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2022, Essen, 211-213. DOWNLOAD

Walton V.M., Dalton D.T., Miller B., Harris E.T., Mirandola E., Tait G., Krawczyk G., Mermer S., 2023: Economic impact and management of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), in Oregon hazelnut orchards. Acta Hortic. 1379, 425-432. doi: https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1379.61

Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., 2023: Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen – Beispiele aus der Praxis. Umwelt – Schriftenreihe für Ökologie und Ethologie 48, 101-118.

Wiegele E. 2023: Protected Areas in War Zones – Global Analysis Towards the Nature for Peace Concept. In: Györkös, J. et al. (ed.). (2023). ATHENA Research Book, Volume 2, University of Maribor, University Press. doi: 10.18690/um.4.2023

Wiegele E. & Jungmeier M. 2023: Nature for Peace - Protected areas in war zones for healing and peace-building. In: Protected Areas In-Sight. The Journal of the EUROPARC Federation (Page 30-31)

Wiegele E, Korchemlyuk M., Chrystie E., Jungmeier M., 2023: Nature for Peace. Poster presentation at EUROPARC Conference. October 3rd - 6th 2023. Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Wiegele E., Korchemlyuk M., Chrystie E., Auinger M., Jungmeier M., 2023: Nature for Peace as a concept to protect nature and people in conflict zones. Poster presentation at Fachsymposium „Klimawandel, Gesundheit und Resilienz: aktuelle Trends und künftige Entwicklungen in Lehre, Forschung und Praxis in der DACH (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz sowie Tirol) Region“. September 21st - 22nd 2023. Villach.


Berger V., Strelnikova D., Steinbauer K., Anders K., Dalton D., Paulus G., Jungmeier M., 2022: Biodiversity Monitoring Configurator. World Biodiversity Forum 2022. June 26th - July 1st 2022. Davos. DOWNLOAD

Braun V., Aichholzer G., Auinger M., Arnberger A., Eder R., Jungmeier M., Klenovec C., Pichler-Koban C., Rauch, F., Rossmann D., Schaflechner M., Weiss A. & Wolf L. 2022: Transdisciplinary research on virtual participation processes in Austrian mountain UNESCO Biosphere Reserves – Digitalisation for sustainable development as a relevant research field. Der öffentliche Sektor – The Public Sector, Vol. 48 (1) 2022: 9-15. DOWNLOAD

Engels B., Jungmeier M., 2022: Fractals of Sustainable Development - Results of a session on “Cooperation between biosphere reserves across national and regional borders". EUROMAB Conference 2022. September 14th 2022. Bad Kleinkirchheim. DOWNLOAD

Hilgarter K., Granig P., Jungmeier M., Kloss-Brandstätter A., 2022: Nachhaltige Mobilität: Geschlechts- und altersbezogene Unterschiede von Vertrauen respektive Misstrauen gegenüber automatisierter Mobilität. FFH Conference 2022. April 21st-22nd 2022. Villach. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Merkac Š., Unglaub R., 2022: Untersuchungen zum Ebriacher Säuerling im UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken. Carinthia II, 212./132. Jhg., 99-112. Klagenfurt. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Rist S., Tribaldos T., et. al. 2022: Governing mountain commons between tradition and innovation. WHEC 2022. May 18th - 20th 2022. Barcelona. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Wiegele E., 2022: Designing educational offers for nature conservation in the 21st century – Concepts and examples. 7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas. September 7th-9th 2022, Vienna. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Auinger M., Pulvermacher R., Straßer S., 2022: Transdisziplinäre Bildung als FH-Auftrag: Das Beispiel Science_Link Nockberge. FFH Conference 2022. April 21st - 22nd 2022. Villach. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Schneide M.; Wiegele E., 2022: Ausbildung zur Naturschutzfachkraft – Abschlussarbeiten 2022. DOWNLOAD

Komposch C., Glatz-Jorde S., Jungmeier M., Wagner H., 2022: Biodiversität im Biosphärenpark Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 6. GEO-Tages der Natur 2021 - Am Fuß der Zunderwand. Carinthia II, 212./132. Jahrgang, 53-132. DOWNLOAD

Pascher K., Švara V., Jungmeier M., 2022: Environmental DNA-Based Methods in Biodiversity Monitoring of Protected Areas: Application Range, Limitations, and Needs. Diversity 2022, 14, 463. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/d14060463DOWNLOAD

Pichler-Koban C., Jungmeier M., 2022: Von der Verlegenheitslösung zur internationalen Modellregion. Die Nutzungs- und Konfliktgeschichte der Nockberge zwischen Hoteldorf und Biosphärenpark (1970-2020). In: Aschwanden R., Buck M, Kupper P., Schmidt K.J., 2022 (eds.): Conflits d´usage depuis 1950. Conflitti d´uso dal 1950. Nutzungskonflikte seit 1950. Histoire des Alpes. Storia delle Alpi. Geschichte der Alpen. Vol. 2022/27, Chronos Zürich, 113-132.

Schmalzl L., Hartmann G., Jungmeier M., Komar D., Schomaker R.M., 2022: Transnational water resource management in the Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark. In: Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation. Volume 18, Issue 3, 2022: 7-36. doi: https://doi.org/10.7341/20221831DOWNLOAD

Schmalzl L., Hartmann G., Rman N., Zierler J., Jungmeier M., 2022: KaraWAT - Strategy for the sustainable management of water resources in the Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark. FFH Conference 2022. April 21st - 22nd 2022. Villach. DOWNLOAD

Schwarzl E., Terk E., Car A., Paulus G., Erlacher M., 2022: CoMon - Collaborative Monitoring for Sustainable Development of Lake Tana UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (Ethiopia). GI_Salzburg. July 5th-7th 2022. Salzburg. https://arcg.is/1biKmb0

Švara V., Michalski S. G., Krauss M., Schulze T., Geuchen S., Brack W., & Luckenbach T., 2022: Reduced genetic diversity of freshwater amphipods in rivers with increased levels of anthropogenic organic micropollutants. Evolutionary Applications, 00, 1– 16. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13387  DOWNLOAD

Steinbauer K., Lamprecht A., Winkler M., Di Cecco V., Fasching V., Ghosn D., Maringer A., Remoundou I., Suen M., Stanisci A., Venn S., Pauli H., 2022: Recent changes in high-mountain plant community functional composition in contrasting climate regimes. In “The Science of the total environment”, 829p. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154541 DOWNLOAD

Wiegele E., Schneider M., Jungmeier M., 2022: Conservation Engineering: Innovations for biodiversity-friendly construction. FFH Conference 2022. April 21st-22nd 2022. Villach. DOWNLOAD

Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., 662 S., Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-7388-0598-7.

Auinger M., 2022: Windparks. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 627-631.

Auinger M., 2022: Orientierung und Verortung im Gelände – Geräte. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 225-228.

Erlacher C., Erlacher M., Car A., 2022: GIS und RS – Angewandte Geoinformatik , Vermessungstechnik und Fernerkundung. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 240-270.

Jungmeier M., Schneider M., 2022: Naturschutzfachkraft – Funktion im professionellen Naturschutz. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 18-22.

Jungmeier M., 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft – Vademecum für die Praxis. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 23-30.

Jungmeier M., 2022: Sicherheit und Gesundheit im Gelände und auf Baustellen - Checkliste. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 32-35.

Jungmeier M., 2022: Naturschutzbiologie – Zentrale Begriffe und Konzepte. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 59-71.

Jungmeier M., 2022: Naturschutztechnologien und Gerätekunde – Überblick. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 222-224.

Schmalzl L., 2022: Landschaftsbild – Erfassung und Bewertung. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 556-564.

Wiegele E., 2022: Neobiota – Umgang mit invasiven Arten. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 195-209.

Wiegele E., Schneider M., Jungmeier M., 2022: Die Naturschutzfachkraft – Spezialisierte Ausbildung für ›hands-on‹- Naturschutz. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.), 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 635-646.

Wieser C., Jungmeier M., 2022: Lichtverschmutzung. In: Wiegele E., Jungmeier M., Schneider M. (Hrg.) 2022: Handbuch Naturschutzfachkraft. Praktischer Naturschutz für Baustellen, Betriebsgelände und Infrastrukturen. Fraunhofer Verlag., Stuttgart, 612-615.


Dalton D.T., Pascher K., Berger V., Steinbauer K., Jungmeier M., 2021: Novel technologies and their application for protected area management: a supporting approach in biodiversity monitoring. In: Suratman MN, editor. Pr2021otected area management – recent advances. ISBN 978-1-83969-813-2. IntechOpen Publishing, London, UK. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.99889 https://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/78656.pdf

Fuchs A., Jungmeier M., Mayer R., Pichler-Koban C., 2021: Der Fallopia-Komplex (Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis, F. x bohemica): Ergebnisse ausgewählter Feldversuche eines Sparkling-Science-Projekts zu Taxonomie, Wachstum und Management. In: Carinthia II. Klagenfurt, 49-60 S. DOWNLOAD

Fuchs A., Berger V., Steinbauer K., Köstl T., Wuttej D., Jungmeier M., 2021: The long-term effects of monoculture maize cultivation on plant diversity. Phytocoenologia Vol. 50 (2021), Issue 4, 397-408. DOWNLOAD

Fuchs A., Pichler-Koban C., Pitman A., Elmenreich W., Jungmeier M., 2021: Games and Gamification - New Instruments for Communicating Sustainability. In: Weder F., Krainer L., Karmasin M., 2021: The Sustainability Communication Reader - A Reflective Compendium; Springer; doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-31883-3_13

Glatz-Jorde S., Jungmeier M., Aurenhammer S., Komposch C., 2021: Biodiversität im UNESCO Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 5. GEO-Tages der Natur 2020 - Rund um die Grundalm. Carinthia II, 211./131. Jahrgang, 19-54. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Borsdorf A., Braun V., Häring V., Hammer T., Pichler-Koban C., 2021: Pärke, Parks and Reservate – biosphere reserves in Austria, Germany and Switzerland on their way towards Biosphere 4.0?. eco.mont. Volume 13; special issue 2021, 15-26. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Schneider M., Wiegele, E., 2021: Ausbildung zur Naturschutzfachkraft – Abschlussarbeiten 2021. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Huber M., 2021: A low-cost BRIM (Biosphere reserve integrated monitoring)? The example of the Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge BR (Austria). EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4730, DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Kovarovics A., Leitner H., Rossmann D., 2021: Managing emerging patterns of outdoor recreation - The example of Nockberge Biosphere Reserve, Austria. In: Aas O., Breiby M., Selvaag S.K., Eriksson P.-A., Boerrestad B. (eds.), 2021: The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene - Resources, markets, innovations. MINA fagrapports 73, 198-199. DOWNLOAD

Köstl T., Fuchs A., Jungmeier M., 2021: Almwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen im Unteren Gailtal Ausgewählte Ergebnisse aus zwei Dekaden Vegetationsmonitoring. Alm- und Bergbauer. 3/2012, 16-19.  DOWNLOAD

Pascher K., Steinbauer K., Berger V., Dalton D.T., Jungmeier M., 2021: Ökologische Statusüberprüfung von Schutzgebieten mit Hilfe klassischer und hochtechnologischer Monitoringkonzepte und Tools. 19. Österreichische Botanikertagung. September 23rd-25th 2021. Tagungsband, S.52., Krems / Donau. DOWNLOAD

Pichler-Koban C., Jungmeier M., 2021: Reger Verkehr auf der "Bärenbrücke". DIE BRÜCKE 22, 10-11.

Rauch F., Elmenreich W., Hübner R., Jungmeier M., Gracner E., Sposato R.G., 2021: Designing and Implementing an Interfaculty Elective "Sustainable Development" Course at a University: Concepts, Developments and Lessons Learned. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 2021, 4(1), 33-36. doi: https://doi.org/10.12973/arise/506882

Steinbauer K., Berger V., Köstl T., Wuttej D., Kirchmeir H., Jungmeier M., 2021: Abgrenzung von Vegetationseinheiten anhand multitemporaler Luftbilder am Beispiel von Feuchtbrachen. 19. Österreichische Botanikertagung. September 23rd-25th 2021. Tagungsband, S.22., Krems / Donau. DOWNLOAD

Tait G., Mermer S., Stockton D., Lee J., Avosani S., Abrieux A., Anfora G., Beers E., Biondi A., Burrack H., Cha D., Chiu J.C., Choi M.-Y., Cloonan K., Crava C.M., Daane K.M., Dalton D.T., Diepenbrock L., Fanning P., Ganjisaffar F., Gómez M.I., Gut L., Grassi A., Hamby K., Hoelmer K.A., Ioriatti C., Isaacs R., Klick J., Kraft L., Loeb G., Rossi-Stacconi M.V., Nieri R., Pfab F., Puppato S., Rendon D., Renkema J., Rodriguez-Saona C., Rogers M., Sassù F., Schöneberg T., Scott M.J., Seagraves M., Sial A., Van Timmeren S., Wallingford A., Wang X., Yeh D.A., Zalom F.G, Walton, V.M., 2021: Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A Decade of Research Towards a Sustainable Integrated Pest Management Program. In: Journal of Economic Entomology 114 (5):1950–1974. doi: 10.1093/jee/toab158.

Zollner D., Mayrhofer W., Ellemunter L., Fuchs A., Jungmeier M., 2021: Losing the Ground? Assessing Spatial Planning and Quantitative Soil Protection in the Alpine Region. Der öffentliche Sektor – The Public Sector, 2021, Vol. 47(1), 27-34. DOWNLOAD


Aurenhammer S., Komposch C., Glatz-Jorde S., Jungmeier M., 2020: Biodiversität im UNESCO Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge. Ergebnisse des 4. GEO-Tages der Natur 2019 - Vielfalt an den Ufern und Berghängen des Millstätter Sees. In: Carinthia II. Klagenfurt, 7-44 S. DOWNLOAD

Borsdorf A., Jungmeier M., 2020: Das Weltnetz der Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO WNBR) im Spiegel des Nachhaltigkeitskonzeptes: Stand und Perspektiven. In: Borsdorf A., Jungmeier M., Braun V., Heinrich K. (Hrg.), 2020: Biosphäre 4.0. – UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Springer Spektrum, 3-33. DOWNLOAD

Borsdorf A., Jungmeier M., Braun V., Heinrich K. (Hrg.), 2020: Biosphäre 4.0. – UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Springer Spektrum, 334 S. ISBN 978-3-662-60707-7.

Fuchs A., Pichler-Koban C. & Jungmeier M., 2020: Der Staudenknöterich - Praxisleitfaden zum Management von Fallopia japonica. Sparkling Science, Klagenfurt, 21 S. DOWNLOAD

Glatz-Jorde S., Jungmeier M., Hradetzky R. & Berger D., 2020: The IUCN Green List as a tool for protected area management - the example of City meets Nature. eco.mont; Volume 12; Number 1, 50-54. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M. & Fuchs A., 2020: Engaging heritage communities by citizen science - Considerations, experiences and lessons learnt. Proceedings IE, Forstering Heritage Communities, 2020/41-51. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Schneider M., Wiegele E., 2020: Ausbildung zur Naturschutzfachkraft – Abschlussarbeiten 2020. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Arpa N.Y. & Pechacek P., 2020: The Guidelines for Establishing Protected Areas. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Turkey’s Steppe Ecosystems Project. FAO and MAF, Ankara, 96 p. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Arpa N.Y. & Pechacek P., 2020: The Guidelines for Protected Areas Management Planning. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Turkey’s Steppe Ecosystems Project. FAO and MAF, Ankara, 92 p. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Arpa N.Y. & Pechacek P., 2020: The Guidelines for Biodiversity Monitoring. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Turkey’s Steppe Ecosystems Project. FAO and MAF, Ankara, 76 p. DOWNLOAD


Jungmeier M., Paul-Horn I., Pichler-Koban C., Zollner D., 2019: "Was bleibt?" Partizipationsprozesse in Biosphärenparks - ein Forschungsprojekt in der Nachschau. In: Ukowitz M., Hübner R. (eds.), 2019: Wege der Vermittlung. Intervention – Partizipation. Springer, Wiesbaden, 137-155 S. DOWNLOAD


Jungmeier M., 2018: Lawine, Wildnis, Urforelle. Facetten von Natur und Landschaft am Beispiel der Mallnitzer Tauerntäler. ÖAV-Jahrbuch BergWelten 2018, 46-51 S.

Jungmeier M., Huber M., Zollner D. & Egner H., 2018: Zur Vermessung von Wissenslandschaften: Regionen als Träger, Produzenten und Nutzer von Nachhaltigkeitswissen – das Beispiel Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau und Kärntner Nockberge. In: Der öffentliche Sektor - The Public Sector. Wien, 7-22. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Schneider M., Wiegele E., 2018: Ausbildung zur Naturschutzfachkraft – Abschlussarbeiten 2018. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Wieser C., 2018: Kochkunst und Biodiversität: Zur Taxierung von kulinarischer Artenvielfalt, das Beispiel Uni-Pizzeria (Klagenfurt). In: Jahrbuch des Landesmuseums für Kärnten. Klagenfurt, 228-233. DOWNLOAD


Egner H., Falkner J., Jungmeier M., Zollner D., 2017: Institutionalizing cooperation between biosphere reserves and universities - the example of Science_Linknockberge. In: eco.mont. Wien, Vol. 9, No. 2, 77-80. DOWNLOAD

Getzner M., Jungmeier M., Spika M., 2017: Willingness-To-Pay for Improving Marine Biodiversity: A Case Study of Lastovo Archipelago Marine Park (Croatia). Water 2017,9,2, doi: 10.3390/w9010002, 18p. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., Prots B., 2017: Integrated management plans for protected areas - from theory to practice. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Ukraine, Rakhiv. Lviv, 398-402. DOWNLOAD

Pichler-Koban C., Jungmeier M., 2017: Alpine Parks between Yesterday and Tomorrow. A Conceptual History of Alpine Protected Areas by Example of Charismatic Parks in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. eco.mont 9 (special issue): 17-28. DOI:10.1553/eco.mont-9-sis17. DOWNLOAD


Jungmeier M., Rauch F., Hübner R., Elmenreich W., 2016: Aporetische Konflikte - Lernpotenziale im Bereich Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Illustrationen am Beispiel nachhaltiger Regionalentwicklung. In: Journal of Science-Society Interfaces. Wien, 57-63 S. DOWNLOAD

Lange S., Jungmeier M., 2014: Parks 3.0 – Protected Areas for the Next Society. Series „Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas“, Vol. 6; Series editors: Heike Egner, Michael Jungmeier. Heyn Verlag, 94p. DOWNLOAD
Egner H., Jungmeier M. (eds.), 2013: Knowledge, Parks and Cultures. Transcultural Exchange of Knowledge in Protected Areas: Case Studies from Nepal and Austria. Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas, Vol. 5, Klagenfurt, 231p. DOWNLOAD
Getzner M., Jungmeier M. (eds.), 2013: Protected areas in focus: Analysis and evaluation. Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas Vol. 4, 151p. DOWNLOAD
Getzner M., Jungmeier M. (eds.), 2012: Innovative Approaches to Manage Protected Areas. Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas, Vol. 3, Klagenfurt, 112p. DOWNLOAD
Getzner M., Jungmeier M. (eds.), 2010: People, Parks and Money. Stakeholder involvement and regional development. A manual for protected areas. Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas, Vol. 2, Klagenfurt, 216p. DOWNLOAD
Getzner M., Jungmeier M. (eds.), 2009: Improving Protected Areas. In: Proceedings in the Management of Protected Areas, Vol. 1, Klagenfurt, 104p. DOWNLOAD

Jungmeier M., 2024: Biodiversität messbar machen - Technologien zu Erfassung von Schneehuhn und Co. Beitrag zu: Digitaldialog, 30.4.2024, Villach.

Jungmeier M., 2024: Schutzgebiete & Gesellschaft – Auftrag an Forschung und Bildung. Beitrag zur Jahresfachtagung Geographie des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Kärnten, 4.4.2024, Villach.


Berger V., Jungmeier M., 2023: Biodiversity as a key driver for innovation – Recent advances in BioDivTecs. ATHENA talks, June 23rd, 2023, Online-Presentation for ATHENA European University.

Jungmeier M., 2023: UNESCO Sites: Biosphärenparke, Welterbestätten und Geoparks: Bedeutung, Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten. Beitrag zur Jahresklausur der Österreichischen UNESCO Kommission, 23.9.2023, Wien.

Jungmeier M. 2023: Neue Berufsfelder, Funktionen und Ausbildungslandschaften für Biolog:innen. Verein Österreichischer Biologinnen und Biologen, 15.3.2022, online.


Engels B., Jungmeier M., 2022: Fractals of Sustainable Development - Results of a session on “Cooperation between biosphere reserves across national and regional borders”. EUROMAB Conference 2022, September 14th, 2022, Bad Kleinkirchheim.


Jungmeier M., Huber M., 2021:  A low-cost BRIM (Biosphere reserve integrated monitoring)? The example of the Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge BR (Austria). EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4730, doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4730.


Jungmeier M., Kirchmeir H., 2020: Management of conservation areas, with focus on UNESCO sites. Contribution to: Conservation and Restoration of Forest and Grassland Ecosystems. December 4th, 2020, Tuscia University (online).

Jungmeier M., 2020: A drop to make the barrel overflow - Cumulative impacts of recreational and touristic activities in Natura 2000 sites. Contribution to: Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, 3rd Alpine Natura 2000 Seminar, September 10th, 2020, online.



After four successful years since the establishment of the UNESCO Chair, a photo shoot of the team took place in October 2024.
Have a look at the gallery

The third expedition.nationalpark took place in the national park communities of Mörtschach and Winklern.
Have a look at the gallery

Exploring the lynx trail in Tarvisio (Italy) as part of the LIFE project, which aims to protect the population of the Dinaric Alpine lynx from extinction.
Have a look at the gallery

The second expedition.nationalpark took place in the national park community of Heiligenblut.
Have a look at the gallery

On 13 and 14 July 2023, we celebrated the successful completion of the 1st turn of the Master's program Management of Conservation Areas.
Have a look at the gallery

This is what our everyday work in the UNESCO Chair Team looks like :)
Have a look at the gallery.

Exploring the new temporary exhibition on biodiversity monitoring techniques in the State museum of Carinthia.
Have a look at the gallery.

The transdisciplinary research format expedition.nationalpark.2022 took place for the first time in the national park community of Mallnitz.
Have a look at the gallery


The Christmas excursion of the UNESCO Chair team in 2022 took us to the Taborhöhe, a viewpoint near Lake Faak.
Have a look at the gallery.

hristian Brandstätter (www.christianbrandstaetter.com) made the panorama pictures for the book expedition.nationalpark.2022, which was presented at the Mallnitz Visitor Center on 29 April 2023.
Have a look at the gallery.

Exploring the underground world of the UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken. Exciting impressions from the depths of the mountain during a guided kayak tour!
Have a look at the gallery.

After two successful years since the establishment of the UNESCO Chair, a photo shoot of the team took place in September 2022.
Have a look at the gallery.

In the third semester, the following protected areas were the destination of our excursions in the attendance block in November 2022: UNESCO World Heritage Site Venice and its Lagoon, Nature Park Pöllauer Tal and Nature Park Dobratsch.


Christian Brandstätter (www.christianbrandstaetter.com) made the panorama pictures for the book expedition.nationalpark.2022, which was presented at the Mallnitz Visitor Center on 29 April 2023.
Have a look at the gallery.

Homebase for a successful team. Our new office creates motivation to implement new ideas to protect nature!
Have a look at the gallery.

Looking inside the toolkit of nature conservation engineers (February 2022). We proudly present our graduates of the certificate course “Nature Conservation Engineer”.
Have a look at the gallery.

In the second semester, the following protected areas were the destination of our excursions in the attendance block in March 2022: Donauauen National Park, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald, Triglav National Park, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Julian Alps.
Have a look at the gallery.

The UNESCO Chair team went on a Christmas excursion to the Dobratsch Nature Park. After some refreshments with a breath-taking sunset, the rapid descent with the toboggan followed!

Christmas excursion 2021

In September 2021, the first turn of the MCA Master's programme started. The first term offered students the opportunity to get to know the Villach campus for theoretical knowledge transfer, as well as to explore the surrounding conservation areas such as the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Nockberge, National Park Hohe Tauern or Nature Park Dobratsch during their excursions. Have a look at the gallery.

After a successful year since the appointment of the UNESCO Chair, the team has grown considerably!
In May 2021, a photo shoot took place around the Villach Campus.

Nature conservation engineers out and about (Spring 2021).
Insights into excursion topics such as birds, amphibians or nature conservation technologies.

´Conservation Engineer' IV

Looking inside the toolkit of nature conservation engineers (October 2020). Participants of the educational programme present their final seminar work, reaching from protection of biodiversity up to adaptation strategies of forests to climate change.

´Conservation Engineer' III

Making of a short image clip in August 2020 with students from CUAS for the Master "Management of Conservation Areas", in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Nockberge.

Making of an MCA Imageclip

Skill-oriented education for nature conservation in the 21st century (May 2020). Significant steps of the relaunch of the international Master "Management of Conservation Areas", such as "Little Sidney" in Donauauen National Park, the work of the Austrian Experiences Pool and the official presentation of the master in the Dobratsch Nature Park on September 18th, 2018.

Master programme Management of Conservation Areas

Nature conservation engineers out and about (May 2020). A kaleidoscope of pictures from field excursions, university sessions and workshops.

Certificate Course 'Nature Conservation Engineer'

Looking inside the toolkit of nature conservation engineers (May 2020). Participants of the educational programme present their final seminar work, reaching from conservation monitoring, experiments for vegetation control to ibex tracking and bat nesting facilities.

Certificate Course 'Nature Conservation Engineer' - Success Stories

Outstanding universal values (May 2020). The travelling ecologist and photographer Michael "Mike" Huber documents UNESCO world heritage sites around the globe.

UNESCO sites around the world  (c) Michael Huber

Encounters in exciting environments (May 2020). Selected hightlights from the European Parks Academy (EPA) in Carinthia from 2016 to 2019, indicating that this summer university really is a format to learn, exchange and enjoy.

European Parks Academy

Magic moments in Carinthian conservation areas (May 2020). Selected parks and protected sites in the Chair´s surrounding, seen through the lenses of the Carinthian photographer Christopher Rossmann in spring 2020.

Carinthian Sites (c) Christopher Rossmann

UNESCO Chair Brownbag Session – ‘Have lunch with us’

Conservationists shall never eat alone. The UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences invites partners and friends to lunch. We meet virtually every Wednesday at lunchtime (12.30 CET) with our brown bags. Different representatives of grassroot initiatives, international organizations, and the scholarly world as well give a short impulse on nature conservation in the 21st century and contribute to our lunchtime discussion. The statements are recorded and made available for download far beyond lunchtime. If you would like to take part virtually in a brownbag session, please contact Monika Auinger via e-mail  m.auinger[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at

  1. How can we categorize the extinction risk of species, Peter?
    23.10.2024 | Zulka Klaus Peter | Senior expert at Environment Agency Austria

  2. Protected Area Labels for agri-food products: A real solution for biodiversity, or just another fancy sticker, Athina?
    16.10.2024 | Athina Koutsouki | PhD candidate at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  3. How can the barcoding community respond to global conservation needs?
    09.10.2024 | Adriana Radulovici | Executive Secretary of the International Barcode of Life

  4. Can conservation research findings really become the next billion-Dollar Startup – with a little help from the Gründergarage, Petra?    
    02.10.2024 | Petra Hössl | Senior Researcher in the Industrial Engineering program at CUAS

  5. How did one tree conquer a whole continent, Anna?  
    25.09.2024 | Anna Kovarovics | Expert on conservation areas at E.C.O. Institute of Ecology

  6. Whinchat are you still singing in the Alpes vaudoises, Jean-Christophe?
    10.07.2024 | Jean Christophe Fallet | secrétaire exécutif at Alpes vivantes

  7. How can we optimise the overtourism in national parks?
    03.07.2024 | Mateusz Rogowski | Chair of Tourism and Recreation at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

  8. When should environmental restoration start in Ukraine?
    26.06.2024 | Bohdan Vykhor | executive director at WWF Ukraine

  9. Can stink bug control work with robots and drones, Manfred?
    19.06.2024 | Hartbauer, Manfred | Professor at the University of Graz

  10. How Can Free Conservation Tools Help Turn the Tide for Endangered Species, Adam?
    12.06.2024 | Adam Turner | Wildlife Ranger And Conservation Biologist

  11. 30x30 can we learn from the past or are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes, Olivier?
    05.06.2024 | Olivier Hymas | Senior Researcher at University of Lausanne, Coordinator of the IUCN-WCPA OECM Europe Working group

  12. Wolfgang, what are the facts about the European Restoration Law?
    29.05.2024 | Wolfgang Suske | expert for nature protection and executive director of Suske consulting

  13. 20 Years of Carpathian Convention. What are the strong and what are the weak points, Harald?
    22.05.2024 | Harald Egerer | Head of UNEP Vienna Programme Office - Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

  14. How can we design a transdisciplinary exploration of a national park, Monika?
    15.05.2024 | Monika Auinger | Junior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair on sustainable management of conservation areas

  15. How can we trace the unintended dispersal of neophytes in protected areas using eDNA, Vid?
    08.05.2024 | Vid Švara | Senior Researcher at the UNESCO Chair on sustainable management of conservation areas

  16. How to strengthen transnational cooperation on Alpine biodiversity issues, Claire?
    24.04.2024 | Claire de Kermadec | project officer at the permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention

  17. What is the current legal basis for ensuring safety on visitor trails in Austria's national parks and what criteria can be used for hazard tree management adapted to the requirements of the protected area, Karoline and Ernst?
    17.04.2024 | Karoline Zsak, Ernst Karner | employee in the Donau-Auen National Park, professor for Civil Law at University of Vienna

  18. Legal realization of biosphere reserve concepts: One size fits all, Anna?
    10.04.2024 | Anna Kovbasniuk | Youth Representative in the EuroMAB Steering Committee
  19. Is it possible to build up a credible regional narrative and a fancy brand story for a nature destination all at once, David & Johannes?
    03.04.2024 | David Osebik, Johannes Terler | tourism and regional development experts
  20. Why do we need to save old-growth forests, Zoltan?
    27.03.2024 | Kun Zoltán | member of the WCPA Europe leadership group
  21. What the hell is the EUROPARC Federation and its connection to national parks, Michael?
    20.03.2024 | Michael Hošek | President of the EUROPARC Federation and expert on international biodiversity conservation
  22. What are the innovative and hands-on practices of nature conservation engineers, Elisabeth?
    13.03.2024 | Elisabeth Wiegele | Junior Researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  23. How can we create green toad breeding habitats using Citizen Science, Lukas?
    06.03.2024 | Lukas Landler | researcher at the Institute of Zoology at the University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  24. How can cooperation between universities and national or biosphere reserves support regional development, Svetlana?
    28.02.2024 | Buko Svetlana | head of the degree programme "Intercultural Management", Vice Dean, School of Management Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  25. How can we harmonize biodiversity conservation and agriculture, Bea?
    21.02.2024 | Bea Maas | agro-ecologist, conservation scientist and equality advocate at the University of Vienna
  26. What are environmental and socio-economic impacts of new variants of root chicory, Maria?
    14.02.2024 | Maria Hingsamer | scientist and project coordinator at JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
  27. From the First World War events and heritage to the cross-border Walk of Peace, what difference does a century of time make, Maša?
    07.02.2024 | Maša Klavora | director of the Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation
  28. How can we support protected area staff to achieve the 30x30 target of the Global Biodiversity Framework, Olga?
    31.01.2024 | Olga Biegus | Programme Manager at the Universal Ranger Support Alliance
  29. How is working as a shepherdess on alpine pastures in Tirol, Maria?
    24.01.2024 | Maria Naynar | University of Vienna
  30. How can we rebuild wild-bee habitats, that have been lost, Ilja?
    17.01.2024 | Ilja Svetnik | Junior Researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  31. How do you monitor plant, insect and habitat diversity in the Austrian farmland, Kathrin?
    10.01.2024 | Kathrin Pascher | senior researcher with a focus on biodiversity and ecological risk assessment of genetically modified organisms, lecturer at the University of Vienna and the University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) as well as coordinator of the National Hub Biodiversity & Water (BiodiWa)
  32. Ist der Mensch ein "Homo destructor", der seine Umwelt immer und überall zerstört?
    20.12.2023 | Werner Bätzing | Professor em. für Kulturgeographie an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  33. Is more, better? can diversity increase productivity and resilience of ecosystems, Sandra?
    13.12.2023 | Sandra Duarte Guardia | PhD in Applied Sciencies and postdoctorate fellow at Cientifica del Sur University
  34. Should there be networking among mountain biosphere reserves, Thomas?    
    06.12.2023 | Thomas Schaaf | Director of Terra-Sana environmental consulting
  35. Why good Connectivity is vital in remote Conservation Areas.
    29.11.2023 | Bruce Jones | Conservation Technology Ambassador and Solutions Architect
  36. What is Nature for Peace, Olesya and Elisabeth?    
    22.11.2023 | Elisabeth Wiegele, Olesya Petrovych | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine
  37. How can international migration contribute to a prosperous development of rural areas, Marika?  
    15.11.2023 | Gruber Marika | senior researcher and lecturer at the School of Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, and Deputy Head of Research at the Department “Demographic Change and Regional Development”, Institute of Applied Research for Ageing, Austria
  38. Can garden owners counteract negative effects of urbanisation on biodiversity in their gardens, Brigitte?
    08.11.2023 | Brigitte Braschler | postdoc at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity (iDiv)
  39. Wolves and sheep – can they understand each other, Eva-Maria?
    25.10.2023 | Eva-Maria Cattoen | certified mediator, mediation trainer and managing director of the consulting office “Ingenieurbüro Cattoen – LechtAlps”
  40. How can we stop the loss of biodiversity in the next decade, Franz?
    18.10.2023 | Franz Essl | professor for biological invasions – global change – macroecology at University Vienna
  41. What is that noise under the surface of the Mediterranean Sea jamming internal communications between cetaceans (dolphins and whales), can we humans still do something about it?
    11.10.2023 | Ana Štrbenac | international marine biodiversity conservation expert.
  42. How were UNESCO World Heritage Sites Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic?
    04.10.2023 | Anna Spenceley | tourism expert with over 20 years international experience; founder of STAND Ltd, a boutique consultancy
  43. Are Corporates on the track for Biodiversity and Climate Protection, Ronald?
    27.09.2023 | Wuerflinger Ronald | Secretary General, BILLA Charitable Foundation
  44. How's working in the field in South Africa, Federico?
    05.07.2023 | Federico Massetti | PhD at Stellenbosch University
  45. Can snow avalanches be really a cause for soil erosion, Michele?
    28.06.2023 | Michele Freppaz | Professor at the Department of  Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, University of Torino
  46. How is the status and future of the World´s Large Rivers, Helmut?
    21.06.2023 | Helmut Habersack | Professor for Hydraulic Engineering and Modelling, at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  47. Mind the gap - getting to 30 x 30 but failing to conserve biodiversity, Marc?
    14.06.2023 | Marc Hockings | Emeritus Professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Queensland
  48. Close to Nature Forestry: Environmentalist utopia or a future-proofing tool, Thomas?
    07.06.2023 | Thomas Waitz | forester, farmer, bee keeper, Member of the European Parliament and Co-Chair of the European Greens
  49. How do we achieve sustainable development whilst valuing the ecosystem services provided by our environment, Daniel?
    31.05.2023 | Daniel Dalton | Senior Researcher in the UNESCO Chair Team
  50. How does the new come into the world, Michael?
    24.05.2023 | Shamiyeh, Michael | UNESCO Chair and professor of the Center for Future Design at the University of Art and Design, Austria
  51. Is natural disturbance a reason for logging out primary forest, Ondrej?
    17.05.2023 | Ondrej Kameniar | PhD from forest ecology, activist in the initiative My sme les (We are the forest) in Slovakia
  52. Why is youth important for UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme (MAB)?
    10.05.2023 | Kovbasniuk Anna | LLM, MAB Youth Network Coordinator for Europe and North America
  53. 99 ways to learn about sustainable education?
    03.05.2023 | The UNESCO Chair team celebrates the 100. Brownbag Session with retrospects, insights and outlooks on an extraordinary format.
  54. Why can the Global biodiversity framework (GBF) be a game-changer for global conservation, Barbara?
    26.04.23 | Barbara Engels | Federal agency for nature conservation in Germany; German Focal Point for CBD SBSTTA  
  55. How to protect conservation areas in war times, Karen?
    19.04.23 | Hulme, Karen | Professor at the School of Law, University of Essex    
  56. How and why are military legacies compromising sustainable development, Verena?
    12.04.23 | Verena Winiwarter | Retired professor for environmental history at University for Natural Resources    
  57. What happens to the limits of growth in exponential times, Markus?
    05.04.23 | Markus Petzl |Founder of the strategy consultancy disruptive – beyond your strategy; the European expert in "disruptive strategy" and "corporate disruption”     
  58. How can we save birds from collisions with glass, Dominique?
    29.03.23 | Dominique Waddoup | Founder and CEO of BirdShades  
  59. Are protected areas suitable as extracurricular learning sites?
    22.03.23 | Thomas Böhm | Managing director of the association Nature parks Burgenland and Vice-president of the association Austrian Nature parks 
  60. What have been the key factors of success for the establishment of the 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube, Arno?
    15.03.23 | Arno Mohl | Program coordinator at WWF Austria
  61. What made 1970 a Threshold Year for Global Environmentalism, Frank?
    08.03.23 | Frank Uekotter | Professor of History at the University of Birmingham; Author    
  62. Does youth even care about wetlands, Hugo?
    01.03.23 | Hugo Ferreira | Biologist; European Regional Representative of Youth Engaged in Wetlands   
  63. What are the advantages and challenges of biodiversity monitoring using environmental DNA, Vid?
    22.02.23 | Vid Svara | Biologist and Senior researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences   
  64. Can the Global Biodiversity Framework actually solve the biodiversity crisis, Csilla?
    15.02.23 | Csilla Tragner | Founding members and chapter coordinators for the Austrian Youth Biodiversity Network; youth delegates at the CBD COP 15 (the UN Biodiversity Conference)   
  65. Is Finland on the right way in implementing international standards in eDNA and other molecular monitoring methods, Tiina?
    08.02.23 | Laamanen Tiina | Researcher at Finnish Environment Institute; Expert in eDNA & environmental monitoring  
  66. Why are diversity and inclusion important in Global Science, Ismael?
    01.02.23 | Rafols Garcia, I. (Ismael) | Senior Researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University, Chair on Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science  
  67. How can we organize a Biodiversity Monitoring program in an Alpine region, Elia?
    25.01.23 | Guariento Elia | Entomologist in the biodiversity monitoring project at Eurac Research   
  68. How can we make the Wadden Sea a model for sustainable development, Ingo?
    18.01.23 | Ingo Mose | Professor and head of applied geography and environmental planning at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg 
  69. How can access to justice develop environmental law, Paul?
    11.01.23 | Paul Kuncio | Environmental Lawyer at Umweltdachverband and Managing Director of CIPRA Austria 
  70. How computer vision and deep learning can transform aquatic monitoring, Mikko?
    21.12.22 | Impiö Mikko | Researcher at Finnish Environment Institute, expert on automating and upscaling aquatic monitoring  
  71. How can ecological and socio-cultural values be integrated into conservation planning in a biodiversity hotspot, Katharina
    14.12.22 | Katharina D'Avis | Ecologist, graduated at Lisboa University, expert on integrated conservation planning       
  72. How do Facebook, Insta and Co. influence conservation efforts in protected areas, Carolin?
    07.12.22 | Carolin Scheiter | Head of Communication Department in Berchtesgaden National Park (Gemany)   
  73. How has the image of the Alps changed over the decades, Dominik?
    30.11.22 | Dominik Siegrist | Geographer, former professor for landscape architecture at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil  
  74. How did the GDR adopt a nature conservation programme in the very last minute, Michael?
    23.11.22 | Michael Succow | Right Livelihood Award Laureate and Founder of the Michael Succow Foundation   
  75. Protected areas in Central Africa : too large and costly to manage, Paul?
    16.11.22 | Scholte, Paul | GIZ Senior Advisor Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority    
  76. Can we promote natural heritage at the archeological park, Irena?
    09.11.22 | Irena Lazar | Head of the UNESCO Chair of interpretation and education for enhancing integrated heritage approaches and Dean at the Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska  
  77. How does the war in Ukraine affect nature and protected areas, Bohdan? And what would be urgent measures?
    02.11.22 | Bohdan Prots | CEO of the Danube-Carpathian Programme  
  78. What can we learn from sampling initiatives like the Joint Danube Survey, Astrid?
    19.10.22 | Paulitsch Fuchs Astrid | lecturer, PI and project coordinator of EnHeGi (Environmental Health and Geoinformation) at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  79. Are the rights of nature the missing piece to address environmental crises, Alex?
    12.10.22 | Alexander Putzer | UN Harmony with Nature Expert and PhD Student at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, MIT, and UPenn  
  80. How does the Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark valorize it’s water resources, Lilia?
    05.10.22 | Lilia Schmalzl | Geographer and Junior Researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences    
  81. What solutions do protected and conserved areas provide to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Marie?
    28.09.22 | FISCHBORN Marie | Partnership Coordinator of the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet initiative at IUCN    
  82. How´s it going, Chair? What is the status after two years of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences?
    20.07.22 | Michael Jungmeier | Ecologist and Human Geographer at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas    
  83. How can we give visitors an entertaining insight into complex themes and relations such as nature, biodiversity, history, and science, Brigitta?
    13.07.22 | Schmid Brigitta | Expert in Protected Area Management, Biologist, Paleontologista at Natural History Museum Vienna    
  84. Do boundaries of Protected Areas contribute to their social effectiveness, Nikoleta?
    06.07.22 | Jones, Nikoleta | Associate Professor at the Institute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick  
  85. How can common mountain pastures in the Black Forest be sustained, Florian?
    29.06.22 | Brossette, Florian | Project manager at UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Black Forest;  PhD candidate at the University of Hohenheim  
  86. How can portable labs function in a muddy jungle and ensure wildlife conservation, Ana?
    22.06.22 | Ana Rodriguez Prieto | Biologist; CEO and co-founder of WonderGene 
  87. How can biosphere reserves promote creative approaches that foster socio-ecological transitions, Nils?
    15.06.22 | Nils Unthan  | PhD candidate, university assistand and member of the working group development studies and sustainability research at University of Innsbruck     
  88. How can we use Intergenerational nexus to create dialogue between generations in biosphere reserves, Aida?
    08.06.22 | Aida Mammadova | Associate Professor at Kanazawa University  
  89. UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the VUCA* world .... - do they need a wakeup call, Pierre?
    01.06.22 | Ibisch, Pierre | Professor for Nature Conservation at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development  
  90. What opportunities does radio technology offer for protected areas, Hannes?
    25.05.22 | Gütler Hannes | Project manager at KELAG Energie & Wärme GmbH
  91. Who may advocate nature protection in Europe, Jan?
    18.05.22 | Jan Darpö | Emeritus Professor of Environmental Law at Faculty of Law/University of Uppsala, Sweden  
  92. Are Social Media getting the key marketing tool for heritage destinations, Engelbert?
    11.05.22 | Engelbert Ruoss | Lecturer at the University della Svizzera italiana & Research Advisor at the USI Unesco Chair       
  93. Is (wetland) conservation important for the Management of Conservation Areas?
    04.05.22 | Tobias Salathe | Senior Advisor at the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands  
  94. How can Protected Area managers develop effective monitoring programmes, Daniel?
    27.04.22 | Daniel Dalton | Entomologist and Senior researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences    
  95. What is the reality of a Green Corridor in a city, Nikos?
    20.04.22 | Nikos Pangas | Technical director of the Mt. Hymettus Aesthetic Fores, Athens; Project Manager of the LIFE PRE "Urban Greening Plan"
  96. What is the benefit of point-clouds from terrestrial laser-scanning for the assessment of forest ecosystems?
    13.04.22 | Günther Bronner | CEO at Umweltdata.at  
  97. What about the principles of a sustainable brown bag, Ignace?
    06.04.22 | Ignace Schops | Director of the Belgian NGO Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland  
  98. The trouble with human development: why should conservationists think about their lunch Andrew?
    30.03.22 | Andrew McGregor | Human Geographer and Director of Research in the school of social sciences at Macquarie University    
  99. How can our health benefit from healthy forests, Barbara?
    23.03.22 | Barbara Wiegele | Expert in Protected Area Management, Founder and head guide at TrailAdventure.at    
  100. How can tourism contribute to nature conservation, Günter?
    16.03.22 | Günter Mussnig | Geographer, CEO of Trail Angels GmbH 
  101. How can the Common Agricultural Policy influence Biodiversity in Austria, Nina?
    09.03.22 | Nina Weber | Independent consultant and environmental engineer with focus on regional development, agricultural policies and the environment    
  102. How can UNESCO Global Geoparks contribute to the SDG2030, Oliver?
    02.03.22 | Oliver Gulas  | CEO at UNESCO Global Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen, Head of the Austrian Geopark Fora 
  103. How can we use nature-based solutions to build a better future, Olesya?
    23.02.22 | Olesya Petrovych | Conservation manager at WWF Ukraine    
  104. Can you inspire people for nature conservation with the power of optimism, Julia?
    16.02.22 | Julia Migné | Director of Conservation Optimism (a programme of the University of Oxford)    
  105. How can “Drones” contribute to environmental monitoring of the 4 Elements “Earth, Fire, Water and Air”, Gernot?
    09.02.22 | Gernot Paulus | Professor for Geoinformation at the Department for Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences    
  106. How does heritage interpretation attract visitors to museums, zoos and nature parks, Nataliia?
    02.02.22 | Nataliya Hudkova | Associated Professor of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management    
  107. Is long-term monitoring always becoming a data-management disaster, Alexander?
    26.01.22 | Alexander Maringer | Head of the Department of Nature Conservation & Research at Gesäuse National Park    
  108. How can we achieve effective biodiversity conservation that is also just and inclusive, Robert?
    19.01.22 | Robert Fletcher | Associate Professor in the Sociology of Development and Change group at Wageningen University, Netherlands  
  109. 12.01.22 | Michael Jungmeier | Ecologist and Human Geographer at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas  
  110. Why is monitoring of cold environments so useful to learn about effects of climate warming?
    22.12.21 | Andrea Lamprecht | Vegetation ecologist and Senior Scientist at University of Natural Resources Vienna
  111. How does Parks Canada protects visitors to Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island, Peter?
    15.12.21 | Peter Scholz | Former Senior Planner with Nunavut Planning Commission and Parks Canada
  112. How to develop feasible scenarios for reconnecting alluvial forests in river restoration, Susanne?
    01.12.21 | Susanne Glatz-Jorde | Head of the planning team; landscape planner at E.C.O. Institute for Ecology
  113. What can be investigated with DNA-methods in protected areas, Corinna?
    24.11.21 | Corinna Wallinger | Ecologist, Co-founder of SINSOMA, Scientist at University of Innsbruck
  114. How can we use digital twins in forest monitoring, Vanessa?
    17.11.21 | Vanessa Berger | Ecologist and Junior Researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  115. How can biodiversity be surveyed in quarries in a standardized way, Tobias?
    10.11.21 | Tobias Köstl | Vegetation ecologist; Head of the nature team at E.C.O. Institute for Ecology
  116. How can we value forest ecosystem services, Michael?
    03.11.21 | Michael Getzner | Professor for public finance and infrastructure economics at Technical University of Vienna
  117. 27.10.21 | Thea Wiesli | Senior researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
  118. 20.10.21 | Zuwena Kikoti | Environmental & Protected Area Expert at Ministry of Natural Resource & Tourism
  119. How do you become an expert in EU funding (for environmental projects), Joanna?
    13.10.21 | Joanna Tabone | Environmental protection officer at ERA (Enviroment and Resouces Authority) Malta
  120. What´s up in Sagarmatha, Sunita?
    29.09.21 | Sunita Chaudhary | Ecologist, Ecosystem Services Specialist at ICIMOD
  121. How to deal with free-riders in wildlife protection zones, Marcel?
    22.09.21 | Marcel Hunziker | Head of the social sciences in landscape research group at Swiss Federal Research Institute for Fores, Snow and Landscape (WSL)
  122. What main challenges do World Heritage Sites share in a global perspective?
    14.07.21 | Stephan Doempke | Founding chairman and executive director of the World Heritage Watch
  123. Why does salt flower matter to conservation, Andrej?
    07.07.21 | Andrej Sovinc | Civil Engineer, hydrologist and ornithologist; Former Regional Vice Chair Europe, IUCN WCPA
  124. How do local residents profit from the Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve, Florian?
    30.06.21 | Florian Knaus | Scientific coordinator at the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch
  125. How to recognize a homo urbanus, Elisabeth?
    23.06.21 | Elisabeth Oberzaucher | Biologist and evolutionary psychologist at University of Vienna
  126. How can social media data be used in protected areas, Marius?
    16.06.21 | Marius Mayer | Geographer, Professor at Munchen University of Applied Sciences
  127. What are the successful changes in management planning for Brazilian Protected Area's System, Erica?
    09.06.21 | Erica De Oliveira Coutinho | Expert in Protected area management
  128. How can we further improve the training of future Biosphere Reserve staff, Michael?
    02.06.21 | Michael Adams | Ecologist, Educator and Researcher
  129. What are the successful changes in management planning for Brazilian Protected Area's System, Erica
    26.05.21 | Daniel Dalton | Entomologist and Senior researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  130. What can we learn from the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb?
    19.05.21 | Volker Häring | Geographer at Ruhr University Bochumg
  131. How would a Cradle to Cradle model region look like in Carinthia, Michael?
    12.05.21 | Michael Braungart | Professor for Cradle to Cradle & Eco-Effectiveness at Leuphana University Lüneburg, CEO of BRAUNGART EPEA
  132. How can communication facilitate sustainable action, Eike?
    05.05.21 | Eike von Lindern | PhD in social- and environmental psychology; Researcher at DIALOG N
  133. Susanne, which interventions would biosphere reserves really need to become incubation rooms for sustainable development?
    28.04.21 | Susanne Stoll-Kleemann | Chair of Sustainability Science and applied Geography at University of Greifswald
  134. How do you teach nature conservation online, Neil?
    21.04.21 | Neil McIntosh | Project leader of the lIEF e-nature2000 edu project at EUROPARC Federation
  135. How do permaculture and nature conservation get along, Mario?
    14.04.21 | Mario Molina-Kescher | Permaculturist and climate researcher
  136. How does climate change affect mountainious regions in the alps, Klaus?
    07.04.21 | Klaus Steinbauer | Biologist and Senior researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences & E.C.O. Institute for ecology
  137. What can visitors learn about nature conservation at the Sablatnig swamp, Matthias?
    31.03.21 | Matthias Burtscher | Expert in Protected area management, Chairman of the Sablatnig swamp
  138. What’s done to conserve nature in the Wienerwald, Christian?
    24.03.21 | Christian Diry | Expert in Protected area management, Project manager at UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald
  139. What’s up in the Julian Alps UNESCO Biosphere Reserve?
    17.03.21 | Stefano Santi | Agricultural scientist, Director of the Julian Prealps Regional Nature Park
  140. How do you assess forest ecosystem services?
    10.03.21 | Vanessa Berger | Ecologist at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
  141. What’s important to sustainably develop mountain regions, Theresa?
    03.03.21 | Theresa Tribaldos | UNESCO Chair on Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Mountain Development; expert in Critical Sustainability Studies
  142. Why should we eat wood, Artur?
    24.02.21 | Artur Cisar-Erlach | Woodland ecologist, food communications expert, cabinetmaker and author
  143. How does the Latin American and Caribbean roadmap for sustainable management of protected areas look like, Augusta?
    17.02.21 | Maria Augusta Almeida Ferri | Geographer and protected area manager
  144. How can we keep nature connected when planning transport infrastructure, Cristian?
    10.02.21 | Cristian Remus Papp | Biologist, Wildlife and Landscape National Manager at WWF Romania
  145. How to fight the devil’s tree, Jean-Marc?
    03.02.21 | Jean Marc Dufour-Dror Consultant in applied ecology, expert in alien invasive plants in Israel
  146. What is so exciting about a BRIM, Mike?
    27.01.21 Michael Huber | Globetrotter and landscape planner, E.C.O. institute for ecology
  147. What are the biggest threats for biodiversity loss in West Bank, Iman?
    20.01.21 | Iman Al-Hirsh | Forest and environmental scientist
  148. What do students need to know about Science_Link, Alex and Selina?
    13.01.21 | Alexander Thamer and Selina Strasser | Student assistants at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt
  149. What is the taste of a harvestman, Chri?
    16.12.20 | Christian Komposch | Zoologist at ÖKOTEAM Graz - Institute for Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning
  150. How to play a Game of Clones, Anneliese?
    09.12.20 | Anneliese Fuchs | Landscape planer at E.C.O. institute for ecology
  151. What is a landscape-lab, Lilia and Thomas
    02.12.20 | Lilia Schmalzl and Thomas Schauppenlehner | Geographer and Junior Researcher at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Lancscape planer at University of Natural Ressources Viennna
  152. Book launch: Biosphäre 4.0
    25.11.20 | Axel Borsdorf and Michael Jungmeier | Geographer at University of Innsbruck; Ecologist and Human Geographer at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

How can we categorize the extinction risk of species, Peter?
Zulka Klaus Peter | Senior expert at Environment Agency Austria

Protected Area Labels for agri-food products: A real solution for biodiversity, or just another fancy sticker, Athina?
Athina Koutsouki | PhD candidate at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

How can the barcoding community respond to global conservation needs?
Adriana Radulovici | Executive Secretary of the International Barcode of Life

Educational Videos

As part of the BioMONITec project, the Management of Protected Areas research group at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences focuses on testing the latest technologies and tools in biodiversity monitoring, evaluating their applicability and comparing them with traditional methods.

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The BioMONITec Configurator offers a collection of interactive online tools that are intended to assist conservationists.

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Becoming proficient at identifying species requires observational skills and extensive field experience. In projects like BioMONITec, we explore how technology can assist experts to develop their capacities.

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Unmanned Aerial Systems, also known as “UAS” or simply “drones” provide exciting opportunities for very flexible and fast “on-demand” monitoring of the environment.

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Utilizing advanced 3D modeling techniques, we can comprehensively capture habitat features including horizontal and vertical habitat structures, terrain characteristics, biotic features, habitat complexity, and environmental disturbances.

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Whether it's magnetometers for cyclists, video cameras for accurate visual counting, infrared counters for hikers, or other technology on the market, understanding and choosing the right technology for monitoring is crucial.

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Environmental DNA (eDNA) can be found in the environment and extracted from a variety of media such as water, soil, or wood. Collecting eDNA from the environment and performing eDNA analysis enables determination of different organisms living in these media.

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The challenge in dealing with the SDGs


Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler - Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology


Andrej Sovinc - Slovenian engineer, hydrologist & ecologist (IUCN/WCPA)


Every summer, students can gain practical experience in research at a talent internship of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Final video of our interns from 2022.


Every summer, students can gain practical experience in research at a talent internship of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Final video of our interns from 2023.

In summer 2024, three interns, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), were able to gain an insight into research. Final video of our interns from 2024.

Research & Education: A visit to the outdoor laboratory in Metschach
Vanessa Berger and Ilja Svetnik give a practical insight into their daily work with biodiversity technologies.



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