Gesundheits- & Krankenpflege studieren

Unser neues Stipendium für den Karrierewechsel in die Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege!

Wir freuen uns, in Kooperation mit der Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse ein exklusives Stipendium anzubieten, das speziell für Umsteiger*innen konzipiert ist, die sich für ein Studium der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege entscheiden. Das Stipendium richtet sich an Absolventinnen und Absolventen anderer Studiengänge sowie an Personen über 30 Jahre, die einen beruflichen Neuanfang suchen und bisher nicht förderberechtigt waren.

Mit einem großzügigen Betrag von 5.000,- Euro, der im ersten Studienjahr in zwei Tranchen ausgezahlt wird. Die erste Auszahlung erfolgt im Dezember, die zweite im Mai nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung des ersten Semesters und bei aktiver Inskription ins Studium. Es werden insgesamt 10 Stipendien vergeben.

Erforderliche Unterlagen:

  • Inskriptionsbestätigung
  • Motivationsschreiben für das Studium
  • Gegebenenfalls negativer Bescheid der Studienbeihilfenbehörde


Interessierte können sich nach erfolgter Bewerbung für den Studiengang

Einreichtermin ist bis zum 30. August 2025.


Finanzielle Sicherheit während des Studiums

Das Pflegestipendium der Bundesregierung bietet Umsteiger*innen finanzielle Unterstützung von über 1.500 Euro monatlich (€ 51,20 pro Tag).

Wer kann das Stipendium in Anspruch nehmen?

  • Arbeitslose oder vom Dienstverhältnis karenzierte Personen, mindestens 20 Jahre alt
  • Schulabsolvent*innen und Studienabbrecher*innen, die die Voraussetzungen nach dem AlVG erfüllen oder vor mindestens 2 Jahren maturiert haben

Deine Schritte zum Pflegestipendium

  • Kontaktaufnahme mit dem AMS: Beratung und Anmeldung vor Anmeldung zum Studium erforderlich.
  • Antragstellung: Erfülle die Voraussetzungen und sichere Dir das Stipendium.
  • Studium beginnen: Starte Deine Ausbildung an der Fachhochschule Kärnten.

Nutze die Chance, Deine Karriere im Gesundheitswesen mit dem Pflegestipendium der Bundesregierung zu beginnen. Besuche die Website für mehr Informationen unter Pflegestipendium » alle wichtigen Informationen | AMS und bewirb Dich noch heute!


Bis zu € 600,- pro Monat, um deine Ausbildung zu finanzieren und dich auf dem Weg zu einem wichtigen Teil des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereichs zu unterstützen.

Eine Investition die seitens der Kärntner Landesregierung in deine Ausbildung fließt!

Die Humanomed Gruppe vergibt Stipendien an FH Studierende der Gesundheits- & Krankenpflege:

Das Stipendium beinhaltet:

  • finanzielle Unterstützung während der restlichen Studienzeit des entsprechenden Studiums:
    • Übernahme der Studiengebühr
    • € 500 pro positiv abgeschlossenem Studiensemester
  • gefördertes Praktikum in den Humanomed Betrieben ab dem 4. Studiensemester

Healthcare and Nursing - Bachelor's degree

Comprehensive health care and professional nursing

In the course of studies in Healthcare and Nursing at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, theoretical, nursing, medical, scientific, communicative and legal basics are taught/learned and consolidated in practical training within the 3 years. Half of the course of study is implemented in the "real" professional field" and offers the opportunity to reflect on the acquired knowledge and nursing activities from the very beginning and to establish a continuous theory - practice transfer.


Repositioning of the higher service

Internships are an indispensable prerequisite for obtaining a professional qualification. The aim is for students to learn to think critically, to justify their actions on a sound scientific basis and to implement or apply new knowledge. Both the theoretical and practical training deals with the repositioning of the upper level of the nursing profession and the associated transfer of competencies within and between the occupational groups in the health care system. From the very beginning, students learn basic knowledge about their job description and their position in an interdisciplinary team.

The course of study healthcare & nursing is completed with the following professional title:

Graduate nurse (Diplomierter Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin/ Diplomierter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger 
Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc)

Application deadline

Winterterm 2025
Period I: 01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025
Period IV: 16.07.-15.09.2025* 

For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.

*We reserve the right not to open the period or to close it early!

Study start

The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!

The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.

Teaching time

Monday to Friday full-time and partly on Saturdays


Study Guidance

Book your personal appointment right now!

You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.

Further information

Language of Instruction: German
Minimum of B2, stated by either
-DAF ("Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
-ÖSD ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
-GOETHE Sprachinstitut

Admission requirements:
Please note that foreign educational documents in some cases need to be legalized as well as translated in order to apply. More information can be found in our official application guideline

Online-Infosession buchen

In den Online-Infosessions stellt Ihnen die Programmleitung das Studium detailliert vor. Sie erhalten wertvolle Informationen zu Studieninhalt, Praktika, den Aufnahmevoraussetzungen und den vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten.

FH-Prof. Anita Mitterdorfer, BA M.Ed. MA
Head of the degree program Healthcare and Nursing

+43 5 90500 3400



Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:

Head of the degree program

Level of qualification
ECTS credits
Tuition fees
€ 363.36 / semester
Qualification awarded
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Studies
Duration of study
6 semester
ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee
€ 25.20 / semester
Language of instruction
FH campus
  • Klagenfurt

General Study Information









Study + Work

With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!

Study & Work for full-time students

  • Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
  • Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.

Study & Work for part-time students

  • Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
  • The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).


Social change processes, such as demographic change and socio-cultural shifts, but above all increasing cost pressure, place new demands on nursing staff and their professional self-image. As a consequence, health and nursing education is also challenged to redesign itself. There is a need for an equally practice-oriented and scientifically oriented range of courses at university level, in order to be able to prepare the upper level of the health and nursing service adequately for current and future developments in practice. Accordingly, the bachelor's degree program in "Healthcare and Nursing" offers a sound basic education on a scientific basis and with a high degree of practical relevance.

The degree program "Healthcare and Nursing" of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences offers a sound, generalistic basic education that prepares students in the best possible way for the new tasks, competences and responsibilities of the higher service in health and nursing and provides the prerequisites for specialization trainings that deepen or broaden competences.

For admission to the internship you need the vaccinations listed in the vaccination sheet:

Graduates of the CUAS bachelor's degree program acquire the professional competence for the exercise of their profession, which includes subject and methodological competence as well as instrumental and technical competence. The professional competence is divided into the following competences, derived from the task areas of nursing: 

  • Individual-related competence: Graduates learn to apply their well-founded abilities and skills in the areas of competence (core competence in nursing, competence in medical diagnostics and therapy as well as competence in multi-professional care teams) of professional nursing to individuals, families and groups. They are able to perform demanding and complex nursing tasks and take over the professional management in nursing practice. They also have the skills to work in a multi-professional team.
  • Organisational competence: Graduates can effectively and efficiently apply their knowledge of business administration, organisation theory and business management to their work in health care and nursing and weigh up professional ethics, economic efficiency and individuality in decision-making.
  • Sociopolitical competence: Graduates are able to introduce the nursing perspective on health, functional impairment or damage, illness, dying or death into the socio-political discourse and to participate in or organize relevant events, actions, working groups, programs and projects. They also have the competence to perceive the range of tasks of health promotion and prevention - especially in schools, childcare facilities, companies and communities - and to develop innovative concepts for these areas.

Current courses - Healthcare and Nursing

LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
General Pathology VO 2,5 3,0 B3.08180.10.080
Biology, Anatomy, Physiology VO 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.070
Nursing Process (Basic) Group A ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.060
Nursing Process (Basic) Group B ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.060
Nursing Process (Basic) Group C ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.060
Introduction to Health Sciences Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.120
Introduction to Health Sciences Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.120
Introduction to Health Sciences Group C ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.120
Dietetics VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.110
First Aid, Radiation Protection and Disaster Control Group A ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.100
First Aid, Radiation Protection and Disaster Control Group B ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.100
First Aid, Radiation Protection and Disaster Control Group C ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.100
Ethics and Sociology for Nurses Group A ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.10.160
Ethics and Sociology for Nurses Group B ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.10.160
Ethics and Sociology for Nurses Group C ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.10.160
Principles of Geriatric Care Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.040
Principles of Geriatric Care Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.040
Principles of Geriatric Care Group C ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.040
Principles of Geriatric Care Group A ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.010
Principles of Geriatric Care Group B ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.010
Principles of Geriatric Care Group C ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.010
Group and Team Processes Group A1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Group and Team Processes Group A2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Group and Team Processes Group B1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Group and Team Processes Group B2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Group and Team Processes Group C1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Group and Team Processes Group C2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Hygiene and Infectious Diseases VO 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.090
Communication and Personal Competence Group A1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Communication and Personal Competence Group A2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Communication and Personal Competence Group B1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Communication and Personal Competence Group B2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Communication and Personal Competence Group C1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Communication and Personal Competence Group C2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Medical Terminology for Nursing Professions VO 1,5 2,0 B3.08180.10.180
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group A1 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group A2 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group B1 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group B2 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group C1 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) Group C2 (6) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Nursing Theories, Models and Concepts Group A ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.050
Nursing Theories, Models and Concepts Group B ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.050
Nursing Theories, Models and Concepts Group C ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.050
Pharmacology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.030
Psychology and Pedagogy for Nurses 1 VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.130
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Counselling Techniques and Methods in Nursing Group A1 (4) SE 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.060
Counselling Techniques and Methods in Nursing Group A2 (4) SE 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.060
Counselling Techniques and Methods in Nursing Group B1 (4) SE 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.060
Counselling Techniques and Methods in Nursing Group B2 (4) SE 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.060
Internship 2 BOPR 0,0 16,0 B3.08180.30.070
Palliative Care Group A ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.030
Palliative Care Group B ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.030
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 2 Group A ILV 3,0 3,5 B3.08180.30.010
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 2 Group B ILV 3,0 3,5 B3.08180.30.010
Practical Training: Patients with Special Needs Group A1 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.020
Practical Training: Patients with Special Needs Group A2 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.020
Practical Training: Patients with Special Needs Group B1 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.020
Practical Training: Patients with Special Needs Group B2 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.020
Ethical Reflection on Internship 2 Group A1 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.30.080
Ethical Reflection on Internship 2 Group A2 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.30.080
Ethical Reflection on Internship 2 Group B1 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.30.080
Ethical Reflection on Internship 2 Group B2 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.30.080
Psychology and Pedagogy for Nurses 2 VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.30.050
Special Pathology, Diagnostics and Therapy 2 VO 2,5 2,5 B3.08180.30.040
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Ausbildung zum*r Rettungsanitäter*in 1 ILV 12,0 5,0 SX-FA1
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Internship 1 BOPR 0,0 7,0 B3.08180.20.120
Nursing Process (Advanced) Group A1 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.080
Nursing Process (Advanced) Group A2 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.080
Nursing Process (Advanced) Group B1 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.080
Nursing Process (Advanced) Group B2 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.080
Introduction to Health Promotion and Prevention Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.070
Introduction to Health Promotion and Prevention Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.070
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research Group A ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.20.110
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research Group B ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.20.110
Perioperative Care Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.020
Perioperative Care Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.020
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 1 Group A VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.050
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 1 Group B VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.050
Practical Training in Nursing: Perioperative Care Group A1 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.030
Practical Training in Nursing: Perioperative Care Group A2 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.030
Practical Training in Nursing: Perioperative Care Group B1 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.030
Practical Training in Nursing: Perioperative Care Group B2 (4) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.030
Providing Geriatric Care Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.010
Providing Geriatric Care Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.010
Ethical Reflection on Internship 1 Group A1 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.20.130
Ethical Reflection on Internship 1 Group A2 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.20.130
Ethical Reflection on Internship 1 Group B1 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.20.130
Ethical Reflection on Internship 1 Group B2 (4) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.20.130
Legal Foundations and Regulations of Health Professions VO 2,5 3,0 B3.08180.20.060
Special Pathology, Diagnostics and Therapy 1 VO 3,5 4,0 B3.08180.20.040
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Introduction Group A ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.090
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Introduction Group B ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.090
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Writing Workshop Group A1 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.100
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Writing Workshop Group A2 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.100
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Writing Workshop Group B1 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.100
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Writing Workshop Group B2 (4) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.100
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Work Organization and Delegation Group A ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.010
Work Organization and Delegation Group B ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.010
Work Organization and Delegation Group C ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.010
Bachelorthesis 2 BA 0,0 4,5 B3.08180.60.040
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.060
Internship 5 BOPR 0,0 20,5 B3.08180.60.020
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group A1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group A2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group B1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group B2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group C1 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 Group C2 (6) SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group 7 SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group 8 SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group A1 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group A2 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group B1 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group B2 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group C1 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 Group C2 (6) SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
General Pathology VO 2,5 3,0 B3.08180.10.080
Biology, Anatomy, Physiology VO 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.070
Nursing Process (Basic) ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.060
Introduction to Health Sciences ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.120
Dietetics VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.110
First Aid, Radiation Protection and Disaster Control ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.100
Ethics and Sociology for Nurses ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.10.160
Principles of Geriatric Care ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.040
Principles of Geriatric Care ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.010
Group and Team Processes SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.150
Hygiene and Infectious Diseases VO 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.090
Communication and Personal Competence SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.10.140
Medical Terminology for Nursing Professions VO 1,5 2,0 B3.08180.10.180
Practical Training in Nursing (Basic) LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.10.020
Nursing Theories, Models and Concepts ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.050
Pharmacology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.030
Psychology and Pedagogy for Nurses 1 VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.10.130
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Applied Information Technology 1 SE 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.10.200
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Counselling Techniques and Methods in Nursing SE 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.060
Internship 2 BOPR 0,0 16,0 B3.08180.30.070
Palliative Care ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.10.030
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 2 ILV 3,0 3,5 B3.08180.30.010
Practical Training: Patients with Special Needs LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.30.020
Ethical Reflection on Internship 2 SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.30.080
Psychology and Pedagogy for Nurses 2 VO 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.30.050
Special Pathology, Diagnostics and Therapy 2 VO 2,5 2,5 B3.08180.30.040
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Ausbildung zum*r Rettungsanitäter*in 1 ILV 12,0 5,0 SX-FA1
Ausbildung zum*r Rettungsanitäter*in 2 PR 0,0 6,5 SX-FA2
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelorthesis 1 BA 0,0 4,5 B3.08180.50.030
Internship 4 BOPR 0,0 20,0 B3.08180.50.050
English for Health Professionals 1 SE 1,5 3,0 B3.08180.10.190
Patient-Centred Nursing across Different Settings 2 ILV 2,5 2,5 B3.08180.50.010
Patient Safety and Quality Management VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.50.020
Ethical Reflection on Internship 4 SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.50.060
Bachelorthesis Seminar 1 SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.50.040
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Internship 1 BOPR 0,0 7,0 B3.08180.20.120
Nursing Process (Advanced) SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.080
Introduction to Health Promotion and Prevention ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.070
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research ILV 2,0 2,5 B3.08180.20.110
Geriatrics Specialization SE 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.20.150
Perioperative Care ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.020
Nursing Care of Patients with Special Needs in Different Stages of Life 1 VO 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.050
Practical Training in Nursing: Perioperative Care LB 3,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.030
Providing Geriatric Care ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.20.010
Ethical Reflection on Internship 1 SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.20.130
Legal Foundations and Regulations of Health Professions VO 2,5 3,0 B3.08180.20.060
Special Pathology, Diagnostics and Therapy 1 VO 3,5 4,0 B3.08180.20.040
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Introduction ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.090
Academic Reading and Writing in Nursing: Writing Workshop SE 1,0 1,0 B3.08180.20.100
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Applied Information Technology 2 SE 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.20.170
Slovene 2 SE 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.20.160
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Internship 3 BOPR 0,0 20,0 B3.08180.40.060
Introduction to Business Administration for Healthcare Professionals and Health Economics VO 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.40.050
Patient-Centred Nursing across Different Settings 1 ILV 2,5 2,5 B3.08180.40.030
Pediatric and Adolescent Care ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.40.040
Ethical Reflection on Internship 3 SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.40.070
Project Management SE 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.40.100
Psychiatric Care ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.40.010
Nursing across Different Care Settings ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.40.020
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Complementary Pharmacy ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.08180.40.080
Patient and Family Education: Trainings, Education and Counselling Programmes ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.40.090
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Work Organization and Delegation ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.010
Bachelorthesis 2 BA 0,0 4,5 B3.08180.60.040
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B3.08180.60.060
Internship 5 BOPR 0,0 20,5 B3.08180.60.020
English for Health Professionals 2 SE 1,5 3,0 B3.08180.20.150
Ethical Reflection on Internship 5 SE 1,0 0,5 B3.08180.60.030
Bachelorthesis Seminar 2 SE 1,5 0,5 B3.08180.60.050
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Entrepreneurship in Professional Health Care ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.08180.50.070

Job & Career

Healthcare and Nursing is a highly qualified, versatile profession, which is characterised above all by professional competence, a sense of responsibility and lifelong learning. "Nursing" makes up the largest occupational group in the health care system and is accordingly a profession with very good job opportunities, further education and training opportunities. No matter whether nurses work in an interdisciplinary team or alone - every qualified nurse is responsible for his or her own actions at the moment he or she starts work and requires a basic moral and ethical attitude.

Nursing studies - profession & study - profession as a vocation?

Newly defined areas of competence in nursing (see GuKG), technical progress in medicine, the multimorbidity of people of all ages and demographic development are some of the reasons why the requirements in professional training for qualified nurses have become more extensive. The reaction to this is the so-called academisation of nursing (nursing training at tertiary level at university).

It is necessary for members of the nursing profession to adapt to new findings, to allow changes and to constantly reflect and adapt their nursing actions. The application of evidence-based care1 in the respective field of work of nursing is the process of lifelong learning of nurses. Many steps in daily practice are based on learned expertise combined with positive experiences and traditions. In combination with clinical expertise, evidence-based care becomes scientifically based, individual and patient-oriented care rather than "cookbook care", which leads to the thoughtless application of rules, guidelines and standards (DiCenso, Cullum 1998).

After the Bachelor's degree in Healthcare and Nursing, which provides students with a generalist education and thus enables them to care for people throughout their entire life span, specialisation and further training is offered at university level.

There is a wide range of further training courses, and this is what makes the job really interesting. You can set your own priorities: Hygiene officer, wound management, diabetes counselling, breast care nurse, cancer nurse, pain nurse, stoma nurse, practical instructions, and much more.

Specializations according to GuKG §70a

  1. Specialisations comprise a total of at least 90 ECTS theoretical and practical training. They can be offered as self-contained courses of study or in staged courses with individual degrees (levels 1 and 2).
  2. Level 1 (without extension of authority) comprises medical, nursing and scientific specialisation in the corresponding subject areas to the extent of at least 30 ECTS.
  3. Level 2 (with extended authorization) requires Level 1 and includes medical, nursing and scientific expansion in the corresponding subject areas to the extent of at least 60 ECTS.
  4. Specialisations with several departments can also be offered and completed separately in Level 1, but must be combined in Level 2.

Specializations are currently (2017) possible in the fields of child and adolescent care, psychiatric health and nursing, anaesthesia and intensive care, palliative care, kidney replacement therapy, and nursing in the surgery area.

Mehr Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege


Statements von Absolvent*innen

Christina Naverschnigg

Christina Naverschnigg

„Die Ausbildung an der FH Kärnten in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege war für mich eine Zeit, in der ich mich ständig neuen Herausforderungen…

Nina Rom

Nina Rom

„Die Ausbildung war für mich die Möglichkeit, meinen Traumberuf zu verwirklichen. Dieser stellt an mich jeden Tag neue Herausforderungen, er ist sehr…

Zejnudin Emric

Zejnudin Emric

„Die Ausbildung war für mich die beste, aber auch die schwerste Zeit meines Lebens. Wenn ich mich an alle Momente während der Ausbildung erinnere,…

Valentina Bürger

Valentina Bürger

„Die Ausbildung an der Fachhochschule Kärnten im Bereich „Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege“ war für mich eine sehr aufregende, spannende und lehrreiche…

Faculty and Staff - Healthcare and Nursing

Studiengangsleitung Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege

 Anita Mitterdorfer, BA M.Ed. MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3400

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Administration of Studies
 Tamara Stotter, BA
+43 (0)5 90500-3501

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Student Support Services
 Anja Drabosenig
+43 (0)5 90500-3505

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Diana Holbura, BA MA MHC
+43 (0)5 90500-3401

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Lisa Krenn
+43 (0)5 90500-3506

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Assistant of Dean
 Marina Waltritsch
+43 (0)5 90500-4203

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Program Support Assistant

Mag. phil.

 Katharina Springer, MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3415

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Staff Services & Support Department
 Ines Tanja Grud, BA MSc
 Daniela Josefine Lindner, BA MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3504

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Lecturer1
 Bettina Bachmann-Schrittesser, BA
+43 (0)5 90500-3406

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Dr. phil.

 Melanie Breznik, BSc MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3405

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Sonja Haubitzer, M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3416

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Melitta Horak, B.Sc. MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3412

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Rudolf Janz, M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3411

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Katrin Knes, BEd M.Ed. MScN
+43 (0)5 90500-3414

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Kathrin Susanne Radl, BA M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3407

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Karoline Johanna Schilcher, BA MSc LL.M.
+43 (0)5 90500-3409

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Ulrike Tscherne, BA M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3413

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Isabella Wilhelmer, BA M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3408

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Researcher/Lecturer
 Lukas Wohofsky, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3219

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Head of Degree Program Speech and Language Therapy
 Julia Schwarzl-Lever, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3580

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Lecturer1


 Michaela Gollner, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3543

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Lecturer of English Mag.a

 Sabine Spanz
+43 (0)5 90500-4112

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Research Assistant
 Anna-Theresa Mark, BA MA MCI
+43 (0)5 90500-4129

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Christine Zimmerl, M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3417

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Project Staff
 Anna Resch, B.Sc. M.Sc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3410

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Part-time Lecturer

Campus & Arrival

Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße

The capital of Carinthia has numerous events and sights all year round. Whether the World Bodypainting Festival, Ironman Austria, major concerts in the Wörthersee Stadium, open air cinema in the Burghof or the magical Christmas market during Advent - there is always something going on here.

The campus in St. Veiterstraße in Klagenfurt is characterised by short distances. The FH building is located in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and is directly on the grounds of the clinic. In addition, green spaces make it possible to spend time at the university in a pleasant atmosphere.

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße and the Ärztehaus on a 360° Tour.

Coming from Villach or Wolfsberg: Take the A 2 South Motorway, bypass Klagenfurt Nord and take the exit Klagenfurt Nord/ Feldkirchen. Drive south on the Feldkirchner-Straße - towards the city. Follow the road until you reach St. Veiter Ring and turn left. Turn left at the St. Veiter Straße intersection and after approx. 600 m select the entrance to the Landeskrankenhaus site on the left-hand side. Our university building is on the left side.

Coming from St. Veit: Take the S37 directly onto St. Veiter Straße. Follow the road until you reach the entrance to the grounds of the Landeskrankenhaus on the right-hand side. Our university building is on the left-hand side.


Coming from Klagenfurt main station: When you leave the station building, turn left towards the bus station. Lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will take you to our building.  Distance: about 2,5 km. Walking time: approx. 25 minutes. 

Coming from the bus station -Heiligengeistplatz: The bus lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will bring you to our building.  Distance: about 1,2 km. 


Go on foot - discover the city! 

Coming from the bus station - Heiligengeistplatz: Walk east on Wiesbadener-Str. towards Neuer Platz and keep right. Turn left into Kramergasse, cross Alter Platz and continue along Wiener Gasse to Heuplatz.  Cross the Heuplatz and continue on the St. Veiter Straße. After about 600 m you will find the entrance to the grounds of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital on the left-hand side. Our building is located on the left side of the street.  Walking time: approx. 15 min.

Our building is number 24 on the site plan of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital.


St. Veiter Straße 47
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

+43 5 90500 3501

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße on a 360° Tour.