Virtual Mobility
Virtual mobility at CUAS allows students from partner institutions to engage in digital learning activities by giving them access to attend single courses/modules and complete them in online mode. It offers the possibility to gain international experience without travel as well as developing digital and intercultural communication skills.
Make sure to check all the options for Incoming and Outgoing Students.
If you are interested in participating in virtual mobility at a partner university, you can find the offers from ATHENA partners here:
We are happy that you are interested in Virtual Mobility at CUAS.
Please note that to give you access certain documents have to be delivered by 31.08.2024 for the fall semester / 31.01.2025 for the spring semester:
Necessary documents:
- Passport copy
- Copy of High School Diploma
- Copy of Bachelor's Diploma
- Transcript of Records
- Filled out and signed Learning Agreement (has to be signed by you and the responsible person at your home university)
- Filled out and signed Application Form (has to be signed by you and the responsible person at your home university)
For the Learning Agreement, please note that you can only choose courses available for virtual mobility. After we receive the signed LA, our academic coordinators will check and approve the courses. Combination with physical mobility is not possible.
We also need the following information: last name, first name, gender, birth date, nationality, phone number and address.
If you are interested, please write an e-mail to Stefanie Steiner (s.steiner[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at) with the required documents and the personal data information.
- CEE/SEE and Global Business Environment
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - Effective Management and Leadership of Global Teams
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - Integrated Financial Management & Controlling
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - International Finance and Accounting
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - International Marketing and Sales Management
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 6 ECTS
- International Digital Marketing Lab
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - International Human Resource Management
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - International Strategic Management
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 331.01.2025 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - International Supply Chain Management
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - Managing the Internationalization Process
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 6 ECTS - Sustainable Global Management Practices
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 4 ECTS
- Active Ageing
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder im Alter (Assistive and digital fields of action in old age)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder in der Arbeitswelt (Assistive and digital fields of action in the world of work)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Demografischer Wandel - politische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte in internationaler Perspektive (Demographic change - political and economical consider
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Disability und Diversity Management in Organisationen und Unternehmen (Disability and Diversity Management in organisations and companies)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Intercutural Communication)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 4 ECTS - Internationale Perspektiven des Disability- und Diversity-Managements in der digitalisierten Welt (InternationalInternational Perspectives of Disabil
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Soziale Gerechtigkeit im digitalen Wandel (Social Justice in the Context of Digital Change)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS - Kontext von Disability, Diversity & Digitalisierung (Business models in the context of Disability, Diversity & digitalization)
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 3 ECTS
- Active Assisted Living 1
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Applied Medical Signal Analysis
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Imaging
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Deep Learning in Medical Applications
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Studies in Biomedical Engineering
Start date: 01.10.2024 | End date: 28.02.2025 | Apply by: 31.08.2024 | Language: English | 5 ECTS
- Active Assisted Living 2
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2024 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Applied Medical Image Analysis
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Augmented Visualization in Medicine
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 5 ECTS - Data Analytics and Neural Networks
Start date: 01.03.2025 | End date: 31.08.2025 | Apply by: 31.01.2025 | Language: English | 5 ECTS
Virtueller Austausch
Der von Dr. Stefan Dreisiebner von der Fachhochschule Kärnten mitentwickelte Kurs Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy and Metaliteracy (IPILM) ist ein diskursorientierter virtueller Austausch, der Studierende mit unterschiedlichem kulturellem Hintergrund in die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion einbindet. Das innovative Kursdesign beinhaltet Elemente der offenen Pädagogik, der Information Literacy und der Meta Literacy. Er lädt Lehrende und Lernende aus der ganzen Welt zur Teilnahme ein, und die Zahl der teilnehmenden Länder ist gestiegen.
Während der Iteration im Wintersemester 2023/24 haben Studierende der Fachhochschule Kärnten gemeinsam mit Studierenden aus Deutschland, Polen, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Indien und den Vereinigten Staaten an verschiedenen aktuellen Themen rund um Künstliche Intelligenz gearbeitet, darunter der Einfluss von KI auf den Klimawandel, KI in aktuellen Konflikten, KI und digitale Rechte, KI und Datenschutz, KI und sprachübergreifende Kommunikation, KI im Finanzwesen und KI in der digitalen Medienkunst. In einer abschließenden Online-Konferenz mit über 100 Teilnehmern präsentierten die Studierenden ihre Ergebnisse und diskutierten anschließend mit dem internationalen Dozententeam und dem Publikum.
Die nächsten Durchgänge werden im Juli 2024 (kompakter 2-wöchiger Sommerkurs) und im November 2024 (für das Wintersemester) beginnen.
Wenn Sie an einer Teilnahme interessiert sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an Stefan Dreisiebner: s.dreisiebner[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at