Martin Planner, BSc MSc
Martin Planner war schon immer an Technik interessiert. Bereits als Kind wusste der gebürtige Kärntner, dass er einmal Maschinenbauingenieur werden…
In the "Master Session ONLINE" on Monday, April 7th, 2025, from 4 - 7 p.m. CET, you will receive valuable information about all master's degree programs and courses at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). These will be presented in 30-minute time slots each.
HERE you can register for the info session on your desired study program or course.
Participation is free of charge and without obligation.
The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences is offering a new TECH Scholarship for Master Students from Europe, South America & Mexico.
In order to inspire new and talented students from Europe, South America & Mexico to pursue a master's degree in Austria, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) | FH Kärnten (in collaboration with companies and associations) is offering four scholarships of 8,400 euros each.
This Master's program is organized in a work-friendly way and is therefore compatible with a professional career.
Lightweight engineering is regarded as a key technology of the future: in automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, energy technology, architecture, medical technology and even electronics. In times of scarcer resources, climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the efficiency of machines and systems, special know-how is needed. This is offered in the master's degree course "Light Weight Engineering" - guided by the motto "Green, safe, comfortable", which is a guiding principle throughout the entire course of studies.
The contents of the course are diverse and range from areas such as Generative Design and Bionic Design to Composite Materials and Additive Manufacturing. Students learn about the most important modern manufacturing technologies, including 3D printing. Simulation-supported design in combination is a special competence focus of the course, which students acquire in practice-oriented courses. The course design focuses on project-based learning in order to best combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
The development of prototypes, which is an important part of the training in the master's course "Lightweight Engineering", also serves as realistic preparation for practical work. Concept, design and implementation of complete, complex systems are integral parts of the course, which is characterised by a focus on lightweight construction. As a basis for the specialized technical subjects, students build up the necessary basic knowledge in calculation and design, material technologies, FEM (Finite Element Method) simulation, generative design, bionic approaches and construction and materials testing. This broad expert knowledge is rounded off by the areas of simulation and validation, which are among the specialities of the course.
In the online info sessions, the program director will present the course to you in detail. You will receive valuable information on the programme content, internships, admission requirements and the wide range of career opportunities.
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Robert Hauser
Studiengangsleitung Maschinenbau, Maschinenbau/Leichtbau
Mit über 60 Study & Work Partnerfirmen und -organisationen bietet die FH Kärnten Studienanfänger*innen eines Bachelor- oder Master-Studiums an, Studium & Beruf zu vereinbaren. Studierende haben durch dieses attraktive Angebot die Chance, theoretisches Wissen umgehend in die Praxis umzusetzen und berufliche Erfahrungen in Kärntens führenden Unternehmen zu sammeln. Für einige Programme werden auch Stipendien ausbezahlt.
The master's degree program "Lightweight Engineering" deepens the technical understanding of the function of machines and systems and underlines the central role of lightweight construction as a motor for all branches of modern mechanical engineering. The course of study thus opens up career paths in automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, energy technology, architecture, medical technology or plant engineering and maintenance. There is a great need for highly trained experts in all these future-oriented fields. Students obtain the necessary knowledge for this in practice-oriented courses that deal with the design and implementation of complete, complex systems. Including 3D printing, a wide range of modern manufacturing technologies are discussed. Students can follow their own designs from the idea to the prototype and realize them in the Smart Lab. After successfully completing "Lightweight engineering", a wide range of career opportunities are open to you.
What students should bring to their studies:
After successful completion of their studies, graduates have the following skills and knowledge:
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Composite Materials & Manufacturing | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.030 |
Dynamische Systeme | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.060 |
Höhere Festigkeitslehre | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.010 |
Leichtmetalle | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.040 |
Materials & Selection | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.020 |
Mathematische Methoden | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.050 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
3D-printing technologies: Materials and Design | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | MBLB-3.06 |
Fracture mechanics & operational stability 2 | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | MBLB-3.02 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | MBLB-3.07 |
Joining technology for light weight structures | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | MBLB-3.01 |
Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Metallic Materials | SE | 1,0 | 1,5 | MBLB-3.03 |
Lightweight Design | SE | 2,0 | 3,0 | MBLB-3.04 |
Physik der Schwingungen | ILV | 2,0 | 2,5 | MBLB-3.08 |
Test Stand Design | SE | 2,0 | 3,0 | MBLB-3.05 |
Simulation of Structural Vibrations | ILV | 2,5 | 3,5 | MBLB-3.09 |
Forming Simulation | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | MBLB-3.10 |
Thermal Management in the Construction | ILV | 1,5 | 2,0 | MBLB-3.11 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Betriebsfestigkeit | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.040 |
Bionic & Generative Design | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.030 |
Heat & Mass Transfer | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.050 |
Kontinuumsmechanik | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.010 |
Simulation dynamischer Strukturen | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.060 |
Statik der Leichtbaustrukturen | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.020 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Master Thesis | MT | 0,0 | 25,0 | MBLB-4.01 |
Master Thesis - Seminar | SE | 2,0 | 2,0 | MBLB-4.02 |
Master Thesis Examination | DP | 0,0 | 3,0 | MBLB-4.03 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Composite Materials & Manufacturing | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.030 |
Dynamische Systeme | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.060 |
Höhere Festigkeitslehre | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.010 |
Leichtmetalle | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.040 |
Materials & Selection | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.020 |
Mathematische Methoden | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.10.050 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Applied Research | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.050 |
Fügetechnik für Leichtbaustrukturen | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.010 |
Konstruktion & Recycling | SE | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.030 |
Simulation of Fluid Systems | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.060 |
Strukturdynamik | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.020 |
Struktursicherheit | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.30.040 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Betriebsfestigkeit | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.040 |
Bionic & Generative Design | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.030 |
Heat & Mass Transfer | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.050 |
Kontinuumsmechanik | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.010 |
Simulation dynamischer Strukturen | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.060 |
Statik der Leichtbaustrukturen | ILV | 3,5 | 5,0 | M2.06860.20.020 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Master Examination | ME | 0,0 | 3,0 | M2.07850.40.030 |
Master Thesis | MT | 0,5 | 25,0 | M2.07850.40.010 |
Master Thesis Seminar | SE | 2,0 | 2,0 | M2.07850.40.020 |
Research and development make an important contribution to transforming broad university knowledge into practical application solutions and to promoting cooperation between companies and universities.
With the master's degree course in lightweight engineering construction, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences offers a unique course of study throughout Austria that trains students in the future topic of lightweight construction. Recent surveys in the mechanical engineering industry have shown that there is already a shortage of mechanical engineers with lightweight construction skills and that the demand for lightweight construction engineers will continue to increase in the future throughout Austria and internationally.
The fields of activity of mechanical engineering / lightweight construction graduates include
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Robert Priv.-Doz. DI Mag.a rer. nat.
Anita Kloss-BrandstätterMag. Dr. phil.
Oswald Jochum, MAFH-Prof. DI Dr.
Franz Oswald Riemelmoser, MBAFH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Winfried EggerDipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.
Reinhard ToberFH-Prof. Dr.
Erwin BaumgartnerDr.
Sylvicley Figueira da SilvaDipl.-Ing. (FH)
Ziad KhalilDipl.-Ing.
Herfried LammerDI Dr. mont.
Walter OchensbergerDI Dr. mont.
Manuel PetersmannMag. (FH)
Thomas SaierDI Dr. techn.
Rudolf VallantDI Dr.
Thomas Willidal, MBAThe Villach region combines tradition, cosmopolitanism and quality of life with the advantages of an innovative business location. Villach, a small town with about 60,000 inhabitants, is an international high-tech location with groundbreaking cooperation between science and industry and is also increasingly developing into a start-up town.
Situated directly at the intersection of three cultures, Villach, situated on the Drava river, is an important traffic junction in the Alps-Adriatic region. This special geographical location and the beautiful landscape around Villach and in the federal state of Carinthia have made the region a popular holiday destination for generations, further beyond the borders. The drinking water quality of the lakes and the particularly clean air make Villach and its surroundings an environmental paradise.
In addition to its geographical advantages, Austria also leads the world in terms of its social and health care system and is considered a particularly safe, prosperous and liveable country.
Despite the above-average prosperity and the comprehensive state social benefits, Villach compares favourably with many international destinations. The "small town bonus" comes into its own here and makes everyday life affordable.
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.
Make a virtual walk through the Science & Energy Labs – T10.
Motorway exit Wernberg, then on the B 83 approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, after the Villach town sign the B83 passes under the A2 motorway, and then immediately right the first exit in the direction of MAGDALENEN SEE. Following the signs for Magdalenen See, the road leads through a small wooded area, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Magdalenen See (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St. Magdalene. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
Motorway exit Villach/Ossiacher See, then approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, on the right is Gasthof Seehof, on the left is Lake Vassach, continue on the B33 left in the direction of east, Wernberg, Klagenfurt, always follow the B33, after approx. 4 km turn right in the direction of Magdalenen See. The road leads through a small forest, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Lake Magdalenen (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St.Magdalen. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
The bus company Dr. Richard runs from Villach city to the FH in about every 15 minutes. The timetables are coordinated with the timetables of the ÖBB.
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach, Austria
+43 5 90500 7700
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.