European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students – this major mobility program allows you to spend 2-12 months doing an internship in a company, organization or at one of the higher education institutions within the European Union, as well as Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. Depending on the destination, the funding amounts are between 540 and 640 euros per month (as of 2022).

In addition to your earnings you receive a scholarship from € 400 to € 500 / month depending on the country you are going to visit. The total amount of money will be calculated by the National Agency of Lifelong Learning.
Procedure and Documents
Students are asked to organize the internship placement by themselves. When looking for an internship placement you could ask professors for possible opportunities or contact students’ organizations such as AEGEE, AIESEC or IAESTE. Also the homepage of erasmusinter or can be useful. On the I-drive you can find Experience Reports from former students, who did an internship abroad. In those reports you can read about the companies and daily life abroad. Find them here:I:\ZSB\International\Experience Reports.
If you have a commitment for an internship placement, you can apply for the grant. In order to do so you have to fulfil the following requirements:
- The internship placement has to be embedded in your curriculum or it can be a voluntary internship approved by your study program director.
- The placement has to be between 2 and 12 months long.
- It has to take place within the European Union, Island, Norway, Lichtenstein, Republic of Macedonia or Turkey.
- All the necessary documents have to be delivered on time to CUAS International Relations Office.
Application procedure for the ERASMUS+ scholarship
- You have to apply via Moodle. There you will find all necessary documents and information. In order to have access to the course, you need to send an e-mail to international[at]cuas[dot]at.
- CUAS International Relations Office needs all signed documents at least six weeks before your internships starts, so they can nominate you for the scholarship.
- The Erasmus Referat will be in charge for the scholarship itself. If you receive it, you will get an e-mail with all the details. Therefore it is important to check your CUAS mail account regularly. After you have signed the contract with them, you will receive the first payment.
With the Erasmus+ programme it also possible to get financial support for a Traineeship after Graduation. In order to apply you have to fulfil the same requirements as for an Erasmus+ internship (hand in documents in time, traineeship has to take place at a partner country of Erasmus+, minimum length). However, the following additional facts must be considered:
- The nomination for the Erasmus+ scholarship has to be done before the graduation.
- The internship must be completed within 12 months after the date of graduation.
- During each academic cycle (Bachelor or Master) you have the possibility to receive Erasmus+ for up to 12 months. If the scholarship has been already granted during the last finished academic cycle (bachelor or master), it reduces the eligibility period. For example, if you have received the scholarship for an internship abroad (4 months) and for study abroad (3 months) during the Bachelor cycle, you can still be granted Erasmus + for Traineeship after Graduation for the maximum period of 5 months.
Sozial.EZA Internship Programme – Africa, Asia, Latin America
If you are interested in an internship in a country of the global South, you have the opportunity to participate at the Austria –wide "Sozial.EZA internship program". This program includes preparation and follow-up supervision for the special challenges and learning experiences in the field of development cooperation and international social work. Coordination and supervision are carried
out by the CUAS established OSECA Office [Research Project] (Office of Scientific and Educational Cooperation with African partner).
For EZA internships are financial support options available. For more information, please contact
Ms. Lisa Fian
Useful Information
Our Study Abroad Handbook includes many additional information and the most frequently questions are answered. Also our Checklist for Outgoing Exchange Students and the brochure "Studieren im Ausland" (available only in German) from the Austrian Students Association can be very useful.
CUAS students have to fill in an Experience Report after their stay abroad. This includes information about the institution they have visited and daily life of the country. You can find the reports on the I-drive I:\ZSB\International\Experience Reports.
Additional information can be found at the section studentsLife on our homepage.
Before going abroad the own insurance should be checked: What is covered by ÖH insurance? Are there any additional insurance? Afterwards you can decide if you need an additional insurance as well. Detailed information about the health care insurance can be found here (available only in German).
We recommend all students an additional insurance for the duration of the stay abroad.