Education moves

Students, staff and graduates who are keen on sports and who enjoy physical activity, from recreational to professional sports, are in good hands with the FH Kärnten Sport Club.

With the foundation of the FH Kärnten Sport Association in January 2016, the current range of offers will be significantly expanded. For club members, this offers additional attractive advantages and sports opportunities.

Promoters of FH Kärnten Sport inform about ongoing activities on each campus. They are always available for all sporting enquiries and are happy to receive suggestions, new ideas and course proposals.

Detailed information on the intranet and Facebook.

FH Kärnten Sport Folder 



Akademischer Ski- und Wintererlebnistag am 13.01.2025 am Goldeck!

Er gehört einfach zum perfekten Start in das neue Jahr mit dazu! Der akademische Ski- und Wintererlebnistag lockte mehr als 260 Wintersportler*innen…

Zahlreiche Läufer*innen von FH Kärnten Sport bei „Kärnten Läuft 2024“

Am Sonntag 25. August war es wieder soweit. Es hieß „Pack die Laufschuhe und die Badehose ein“ und komm zum Kärntner Laufevent des Jahres.

Ausbildung zum/zur Skilehreranwärter*in! 

Neues Angebot aus dem Orientierungsstudienjahr, StudyXplore, an der FH Kärnten.

Rekordteilnahme beim diesjährigen Sport- und Bewegungscamp

Über 60 motivierte Teilnehmer*innen haben mit viel Freude und Energie in zahlreiche Sportangebote hineingeschnuppert!


Fixed sporting dates for the 2025 academic year:

  • Geolauf
    Friday, 04.04.2025
    Campus Villach
  • Sport- und Bewegungscamp
    Friday, 27.06.2025
    NEW location directly on a beautiful Carinthian lake

course program

Click through the great offers on our online course portal, find the fitness programme that suits you best and register directly online!


FH Kärnten Sport
Europastrasse 4
9524 Villach



FH Kärnten Sportverein

With the foundation of the FH Kärnten Sportverein association in January 2016, the current range of offers will be significantly expanded. The following additional attractive advantages and sports opportunities are available to club members:

  • Access to sports infrastructure (sports halls, swimming pools etc.)
  • Official classification at championships in triathlon and running competitions
  • Refund of entry fees for participation in sports events
  • Discounts and special offers due to extended cooperation with sports partners (e.g. Gigasport)
  • Use of specific training offers (e.g. triathlon training camps)
  • Joint competition preparation
  • Teambuilding for all FH members: contact and friendship maintenance across campuses
  • Improved insurance conditions
  • Access to trained course leaders and association trainers
  • Multifunctional shirt at a special price

FH Kärnten Sportverein is a member of the umbrella organisation ASKÖ and listed with the professional associations KTRV and KLV.

Board of directors FH Kärnten Sportverein

Full-time or part-time employees, students and graduates of the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences, partners and family members of FH Carinthia members as well as persons who have a close relationship to the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences and those who support the association without actively participating.

For the first-time use of an offer of FH Kärnten Sportverein, the signed declaration of consent is required. Membership is free of charge for employees, students and graduates of FH Carinthia.

Discounts & Partners


The partners listed below have special conditions for CUAS members.


for all students and employees of the CUAS starts again!

from January 16 to 28, 2023!

However, the articles must again be viewed, tried on or then also ordered directly in the Skinfit stores in Villach and Klagenfurt.

Here are the important facts:

  • Only valid for students and employees of the FH Kärnten (please show your student or employee ID directly in the store).
  • Only valid for a selected FH assortment (see assortment overview below*)!
  • Upper order limit: € 150,00
  • Pick-up of ordered items directly at the FH Kärnten (detailed information will follow after ordering)
  • In the period from January 16–28, 2023 all employees and students get a discount of 15% on the regular Skinfit assortment with the following confirmation as well as 15% on all textile articles and running shoes in stock at Laufsport Münzer in Villach.


General inquiries: sport[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at

Promoters of FH Kärnten Sport provide information about current activities at all locations. They are always available for all sporting enquiries and are happy to receive suggestions, new ideas and course proposals.