CUAS Academy

Welcome to the CUAS Academy: Your source for lifelong learning at the highest level

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has a clear focus on teaching and research, but we go one step further. Our Academy is your point of contact for high-quality academic continuing education to meet the demands of the ever-changing labour market. In a world where new technologies and working methods are constantly emerging, it is crucial to continuously update, improve and expand your skills and competences. The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Academy offers specialised continuing education programmes to prepare you for the challenges of the modern working world.

Our targeted university courses in the form of extraordinary Master's and Bachelor's programmes as well as academic expert programmes, certificate programmes and micro credentials or micro degrees cover current topics and developments in order to address the qualification needs of employees. Micro credentials are designed to provide learners with specific knowledge, skills and competences that meet societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs. Micro Credentials can be stand-alone or combined to create more comprehensive qualifications (Micro Degrees).

We work closely with partners from professional practice and international institutions to ensure that our educational programmes meet the requirements of the world of work.

The future of continuing education begins here at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. We look forward to accompanying you on your educational journey and supporting you on your way to new professional heights. Get ready for an exciting journey into the world of lifelong learning with us!

Please note our general terms and conditions for further education and training events

New continuing education programmes at the CUAS Academy

In October 2021, a groundbreaking reform package for continuing education at universities of applied sciences was adopted, creating a standardised framework. This reform ensures that degrees from ordinary degree programmes and extraordinary degree programmes (university courses) are equivalent. We at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences welcome this reform package and the new opportunities it opens up with great enthusiasm. Our new continuing education courses will be offered from the winter semester 2023/2024.

Future higher education programmes and degrees

In the world of education and training, it will be possible to obtain an associate bachelor's degree in the future. A continuing education bachelor's degree will comprise a standardised 180 ECTS credits, while a master's degree will comprise 120 ECTS credits. The degree titles will bear the suffix "(CE)", which stands for "Continuing Education". This means that an associate bachelor's degree programme concludes with a Bachelor Continuing Education (CE) and a master's degree programme concludes with a Master Continuing Education (CE). The addition of the (CE) suffix makes study programmes in continuing education visible and provides evidence of specialised expertise.

In future, higher education programmes that are carried out in extended cooperation with non-university educational institutions will lead to a "Bachelor Professional" (BPr) or "Master Professional" (MPr) degree. In addition, graduates of continuing education master's programmes will have the opportunity to apply for a doctoral programme in the interests of permeability.

What are the advantages of the new titles?

  1. Modernisation and relevance: The reform of continuing education at universities aims to make educational programmes more contemporary and practical. The new titles are designed to fulfil the requirements of today's working world. With a degree from the updated curriculum, you will be optimally prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.
  2. International connection: The new titles are internationally recognised and facilitate access to educational institutions and employers worldwide. This means that you can make your mark not only in Austria, but also in a global context.
  3. Flexibility and adaptability: Our reformed educational programmes offer a wide range of courses and specialisations, allowing you to tailor your educational pathway to your personal interests and career goals. The flexibility offered by these new titles allows you to shape your career your way.
  4. Future-proof: The demand for well-trained specialists is constantly increasing. With a degree from our reformed system, you can be sure that you will be in demand on the labour market and can develop your career further.
  5. Practical experience: The reform also includes increased practical experience and internships to ensure that you not only have theoretical knowledge, but also develop practical skills that are essential in the world of work.

Prepare yourself for an exciting journey that will transform your education and your career. The reform of higher education in Austria brings a breath of fresh air to the educational landscape and offers you the opportunity to compete in a globalised world.

Take this opportunity to realise your professional dreams and prepare for a successful future. Explore our website to find out more about the new educational titles and the reform of higher education in Austria. Take the first step towards an exciting and promising educational journey!


Unsere Hochschullehrgänge

Certificate & Short Learning Programs

Micro Credentials & Micro Degrees

ECTS: European Credit Transfer System (1 ECTS entspricht einem Arbeitsaufwand von 25h)


Tax reimbursement

If your further training is in your existing or a related professional field, the course fees are tax-deductible. The amount of the refund depends on your total income and can be up to 43.6 per cent.
Details at:

Tax deductibility

As an entrepreneur, you can deduct the training costs as business expenses.
Details under:

Seminars & Workshops

01. Mar


Beginn: 00:00
- 31. Mar

Dreitagesseminar Praxisanleitung (Termine individuell vereinbar)

Referent*innen: Herr (Mag) Mario Bokalic und Frau Verena Wadl, M.Ed.

01. Mar


Beginn: 00:00
- 31. Mar

Eintagesseminar Praxisanleitung (Termine individuell vereinbar)

Referent*innen: Herr (Mag) Mario Bokalic und Frau Verena Wadl, M.Ed.

01. Jun


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: iOS Skill Upgrade

Der iOS Skill Upgrade Workshop ist eine zukunftsorientierte Fortbildungsinitiative, die angehende iOS-Entwickler*innen in die Kunst des umweltbewussten Programmierens [...]

01. Jun


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: Android Skill Upgrade

Der Android Skill Upgrade Workshop ist eine zukunftsorientierte Fortbildungsinitiative, die angehende Android-Entwickler*innen in die Kunst des umweltbewussten [...]

01. Jun


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: Web Skill Upgrade

Der Web Skill Upgrade Workshop ist eine zukunftsorientierte Fortbildungsinitiative, die angehende Web-Entwickler*innen in die Kunst des umweltbewussten Programmierens [...]

01. Jul


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: SEO Skill Upgrade

Der SEO Skill Upgrade Workshop ist eine innovative Fortbildungsinitiative, die angehende SEO-Spezialistinnen in die Kunst der Suchmaschinenoptimierung einführt. Über sechs [...]

01. Jul


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: Salesforce Skill Upgrade

Der Salesforce Skill Upgrade Workshop ist eine praxisorientierte Fortbildungsinitiative, die Key- und Enduserinnen von Unternehmen mit Salesforce CRM fundierte Kenntnisse [...]

01. Sep


- 31. Dec All day

Workshop: Optimized Web Development

Der „Optimized Web Development“ Workshop ist eine Fortbildungsinitiative, die Junior- und Senior-Webentwicklerinnen moderne Techniken zur Performance-Optimierung im Web [...]

Upcoming Events



Wir gratulieren zum Abschluss des Zertifikatslehrgangs „Modern Web Development“

Am Mittwoch, den 16. Oktober 2024, fand am Campus Klagenfurt in der Primoschgasse die feierliche Übergabe der Zertifikate an die Absolvent*innen des…

Sexualpädagogik und sexuelle Bildung – 2. Jahrgang hat erfolgreich gestartet!

Am 17. Oktober 2024 startete bereits zum zweiten Mal der Zertifikatslehrgang „Sexualpädagogik und sexuelle Bildung“ an der FH Kärnten ACADEMY in…

Erstes Micro Credential „Sexuelle Bildung: Aspekte der Sexualwissenschaften – Sexualität im Lebenslauf“ hat erfolgreich gestartet

Vom 3. bis 5. Oktober wurde das erste Micro Credential aus dem Bereich Sexualpädagogik mit 10 Teilnehmer*innen erfolgreich als Online-Format…

Fortbildungen für Praxisanleiter*innen - Mehrstufiges Modell erfolgreich gestartet!

Das 4-Stufen-Modell der Praxisanleitungen und Praxislehre

Um die Wandlung der Praxisanleiter*innen hin zu Praktikumslehrenden zu unterstützen, hat…


Mag.a Alexandra Liegl 
Head of CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4311

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Mag.a rer.nat. Carmen Zernig-Malatschnig
Head of CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4313

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Nicole Bachmann
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 7281

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Sonja Dietrichsteiner 
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4302

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Raffaela Grasser 
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4304

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Melina Hierländer, BA
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4305 

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Mag.a (FH) Daniela Pluch
Administration & Management CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4312

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Christina Moser 
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4303

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Melanie Marinitsch, B.A.
Administration & Management CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4306 

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen

Fabienne Sorger-Falle, BA MSc MSc
Administration & Management FH Kärnten Academy

+43 5 90500 4310 

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen

Elena Klingbacher 
Apprenticeship Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4307

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Sandra Graber, BA MA
Administration & Management FH Kärnten Academy

+43 5 90500 4308 

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen


The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has been awarded a UNESCO Chair for 'Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas' (MCA). The chair is held by Dr. Michael Jungmeier, Professor of Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development.

The UNESCO Chair is intended to promote and advance special research projects and educational programmes relating to nature conservation in the 21st century. Above all, the Chair is intended to provide individuals, institutions and societies with the necessary tools to successfully master future challenges relating to the management of protected areas.