Nature Conservation Engineer - Certificate course

From amphibian guidance systems to the optimisation of construction processes

Together with E.C.O. Institute of Ecology we offer the academic education Nature Conservation Engineer (Naturschutzfachkraft). Please note that this certificate course is offered in German only.


Hands-on conservation issues

The one-year training focuses on hands-on conservation issues that occur on construction sites, on infrastructures and in the communal area. Participants amongst others are employees of construction companies, of the energy, raw materials and transport industry, from planning departments, nature conservation organizations as well as from the public administration.

A certificate is awarded after successfully completing the program.

Bis zu 60% Förderung über SkillsSchecks2024

CUAS Carinthia publishes handbook for nature conservation on construction sites

The manual illustrates the latest scientific findings from research in the certificate course "Nature Conservation Specialist" at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences. The work is published by Fraunhofer Verlag and available in bookshops.

Manual Nature Conservation Specialist. Practical nature conservation for construction sites, company grounds and infrastructures.

Wiegele, E., Jungmeier, M. & Schneider, M. 2022
Fraunhofer IRB Publishing House. ISBN 978-3-7388-0598-7

CUAS Carinthia publishes handbook for nature conservation on construction sites

The manual illustrates the latest scientific findings from research in the certificate course "Nature Conservation Specialist" at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences. The work is published by Fraunhofer Verlag and available in bookshops.

Manual Nature Conservation Specialist. Practical nature conservation for construction sites, company grounds and infrastructures.

Wiegele, E., Jungmeier, M. & Schneider, M. 2022
Fraunhofer IRB Publishing House. ISBN 978-3-7388-0598-7

CUAS Carinthia publishes handbook for nature conservation on construction sites

The manual illustrates the latest scientific findings from research in the certificate course "Nature Conservation Specialist" at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences. The work is published by Fraunhofer Verlag and available in bookshops.

Manual Nature Conservation Specialist. Practical nature conservation for construction sites, company grounds and infrastructures.

Wiegele, E., Jungmeier, M. & Schneider, M. 2022
Fraunhofer IRB Publishing House. ISBN 978-3-7388-0598-7

Information & Contact


Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:

Christina Moser 
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4303

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Level of qualification
Academic Course

ECTS Credits

Training costs
€ 3.950,-

€ 24,70 / Semester (indexangepasst)

Duration of studies
4 modules

Class form

Language of instruction

Start: Fall 2023
Application deadline: Applications are possible at any time!

Target & Content

The education Nature Conservation Engineer is an additional qualification to an existing profession. The education comprises an introductory part (e.g. nature conservation biology, nature conservation law, nature conservation professions), equipment knowledge and technology (e.g. telemetry, drones, geo-information) as well as a practical main part. There, central competences are shared and trained in the field.

For the final thesis, a small practical nature conservation project will be prepared, implemented and documented.


The education Nature Conservation Engineer is designed by a great number of lecturers. These come from different professional backgrounds and working areas.

For field trips, demonstration projects and final theses, we try to cooperate with companies, planners as well as with public administrations especially with municipalities.  

Organisation & Dates

The education program Nature Conservation Engineer takes one year and can be completed while working full-time. The course is structured in ten three-day seminars.

Program-Start: Fall 2023
Deadline for application: Applications are possible at any time!

Goldene Unke

Was ist die Auszeichnung der Goldene Unke?

Innovationen im Naturschutz am Bau zu identifizieren und hervorzuheben ist das große Ziel dieser Auszeichnung. Der Wettbewerb wird dazu beitragen, gut gelungene Umsetzungen in der Branche zu würdigen. Der Wettbewerb soll Firmen, Gemeinden, Privatpersonen und Städte dazu motivieren, Projekte naturnaher und -schonender umzusetzen und gelungene Projekte vor den Vorhang holen.


Access requirements

  • Completed Bachelor degree
  • or: Matura plus four years of relevant work experience
  • or: completed relevant apprenticeship plus four years of relevant work experience
  • Required level of German language proficiency: B2

For a registration we need:

  • Application form by e-mail to weiterbildung[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Proof of professional training (certificates, diplomas)
  • Expressive letter of motivation



Mix aus theoretischem Hintergrundwissen und praxisbezogenen Übungen

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Ideale Ergänzung zur bisherigen Ausbildungen

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FH-Prof. DI Dr. Martin Schneider
Scientific management

+43 5 90 500 5111

Villacher Straße 1
9800 Spittal an der Drau

Dr. Michael Jungmeier
Nature conservation management

+43 (0)5 90500-4314

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Mag.a Alexandra Liegl 
Head of CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4311

Christina Moser 
Administration CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4303

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Elisabeth Wiegele, BSc MSc

+43 5 90500 5140

Europastraße 4
9524 Villach