For the conception and implementation of the project "IMPULSHAUS", which offers a home to people in need, students of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences architecture program were awarded the Carinthian Human Rights Prize. The award shows that it is possible to use architecture to bring about sustainable social change. The project has a clear connection to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and makes a valuable contribution to reducing poverty. https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20211214_OTS0020/kaerntner-menschenrechtspreis-2021-geht-an-architektur-studierendenprojekt-der-fh-kaernten-bild
- The Office of Scientific and Educational Cooperation with African Partners (OSECA), part of the study degree program Social Work, has implemented several R & D projects with partner institutions in East Africa. The overall goal of these projects was to reduce poverty. However, there are also links to SDG 4, 5 and 10.
- The biggest project in the context of poverty reduction is called PROSOWO (Promotion of Professional Social Work in East Africa). PROSOWO aims to strengthen the contribution of social work to fight poverty and foster social development. This is achieved through research, curriculum development, capacity building as well as political lobbying. PROSOWO was implemented from 2010 until 2019 in the countries Burundi, Kenia, Ruanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
- Professors of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) are part of the board of the so-called “Armutsnetzwerk Kärnten” (Poverty Network Carinthia). The aim of the network is to timely recognize poverty risk, ensure awareness and provide information as well as support.
- The"Jugennotschlafstelle Klagenfurt" was set up by the Social Work degree programme in Feldkirchen.
- CUAS ICT department is giving away each year around 70 PCs which are still in good condition but not used at the university any more to women’s shelter and the Red Cross. Some PCs are also sold for little money to schools which cannot afford to buy new ones.