Valeriana celtica subsp. norica

Valeriana celtica
Fotocredit: Heinz Mayer

Sustainable and equitable use of an endemic plant in the Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: co-creating a historical review, analyzing the status and co-creating future perspectives


The research project Valeriana celtica ssp. norica (SPEIK for short) deals with environmental history at its core, combining historical, present and future perspectives.

This research project would like to deal with the big issues in an exemplary way using a small research object: The alpine plant Valeriana celtica ssp. norica (known locally as Speik). Since the Middle Ages, there have existed rules in the region of the present-day biosphere reserve in the Nock Mountains of Carinthia for dealing with natural resources, for example for grazing the alpine pastures. Using Speik as an example, one can trace their history in an exemplary and pars-pro-toto manner. The Speik provides numerous points of contact to the current sustainability discussion, as this plant is also the basis of numerous regional products and services. The SPEIK research project contributes regionally, nationally and internationally to the reflection, adaptation and implementation of the SDGs and their contribution to Biosphere Reserve Integrated Management. The results will: initiate the discussion on the concepts of sustainability, equity and SDGs in Biosphere Reserves; support Biosphere Reserve Integrated Management in the implementation of the goals; and advance the scientific discourse on sustainability, equity and SDGs and place it in the Biosphere Reserve context. The project follows an inter- and transdisciplinary research design and will therefore be implemented in close cooperation between the research team, Biosphere Reserve managers, and stakeholders in the Biosphere Reserve region. It will start with a kick-off (scientific core team, Biosphere Reserve managers) of a scientific description and a historical analysis of Speik knowledge, extraction, use and trade. The findings from this project will be presented to a scientific resonance team from a wide range of disciplines (e.g., environmental, regional history, botany, economics, sustainability research).

The project will address the following research questions: How can the history of Speik use be traced and different concepts of sustainability be made visible? How can historical Speik use be assessed from different scientific perspectives and what can be learned about sustainability? What lessons about sustainability and justice can the local population draw from this scientific process? What conclusions can be drawn for the future of Biosphere Reserve Integrated Management and the concept of biosphere reserves? The project provides connecting points to international discussions, institutions and developments.

The aims of the Speik project are to activate fields of action for the future use of Speik by creating win-win situations for the stakeholders and to further develop the function of the Biosphere Reserve Nockberge as an enabler and supporter of sustainable development. In addition, a contribution is to be made to information, awareness-raising and scientific public relations work.

Project duration: April 2023 – September 2024.

Financed by: ÖAW – Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Research Program Man and the Biosphere (MAB)