Online Children's and Youth University: Landscape change of my home


The Online Children's and Youth University at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) creates a variety of opportunities for children and young people between the ages of 6 and 19 to get to know the university in research and teaching.

For the second time, CUAS is offering topics from different study areas in free participatory workshop formats.

The workshops cover a wide range of topics. The UNESCO Chair for the Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas will address the topic of landscape change: “Landschaftswandel in meiner Heimat” (“landscape change of my home”).

The landscape has indeed changed over time. In many cases, the development occurred in several stages from the original natural landscape to the man-made cultural landscape. Because changes occur gradually, we hardly notice them. Therefore, analysis across larger time intervals is useful. Just as photographs show us that a child has grown or a person has aged, historical landscape photographs also show us the changes. These can include not only ordinary photos (e.g., "old" postcards), but also aerial photographs or satellite images. Workshop participants will learn about case studies of landscape change and have the opportunity to examine the transformation of their home. For further details please follow this link

Financed by: OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation