Integrated electronic systems


102. Digital Dialogue | 27 June, 5 pm | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Campus Villach

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is the organizer of the Digital Dialogue on the topic of "Integrated Electronic Systems", which will take place on 27 June at CAMPUS Villach, and cordially invites you to attend.

Integrated electronic systems

The miniaturisation of electronic systems is a global challenge that we have to face. The 102nd Digital Dialogue at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Villach will focus on current international trends in integration. What makes a chip a system-on-chip and what is the future of system modelling with the aim of linking it to early software development with virtual prototypes. Furthermore, it is about unfolding the hidden potential of heterogeneous integration and "advanced packaging" of integrated electronic systems.

When & Where:
Tuesday, 27.06.2023
5 pm until 7.30 pm
Campus Villach

The Digital Dialogue will take place in presence at Campus  Villach in HS 6, Europastraße 4 - 1st floor on the left.


  • Johannes Sturm | FH Kärnten | The Integration of Electronic Systems - Overview
  • Gerfried Krampl | MaxLinear | System-on-Chip: Challenges and Solutions
  • Wolfgang Scherr | FH Kärnten | Boris Müller | Semiconductors Austria GmbH and Co KG | Modelling for HW-SW Development of System-on-Chip
  • Ali Roshanghias | Silicon Austria Labs | Heterogeneous Integration Technologies - Overview

Moderation: Jens Peter Konrath

After the Keynotes: Panel discussion with networking and buffet dinner

Click here to register. (Webpage in GERMAN)

The event is free of charge.

The Digital Dialogue is a series of events organized by the Silicon Alps Cluster in cooperation with the following partners: FH Campus 02, Joanneum Research, IT Community Styria and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.