The "iLEAD" research project is dedicated to manufacturing prostheses for the lower limbs as a whole using 3D printing.
In contrast to traditional methods of manufacturing sockets, 3D printing enables faster and customizable production of prostheses at a lower cost.
The main goal of this project is to develop a 3D printing process that can produce fully customized, functional and comfortable soft sockets and liners whose mechanical properties change according to the user's needs in different areas. For inner sockets and liners, high mechanical strength and load transfer capability are desired along with locally variable stiffness and flexibility. "Our idea is to manufacture
To achieve these properties in a single 3D printing process, this project is investigating different combinations of materials with different structures, their printability, interfacial properties, and mechanical and functional properties.
"Our idea is to combine the production of the stem with the production of the silicone liner in exactly the required strength and shape at the respective defined locations in one process," says Faller.
Many thanks to "Der Standard" for the great article about the "Additive Manufacturing" project, which was published on Jan. 19, 2022.
The pdf document for the article can be found HERE.
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Contact: Lisa-Marie Faller, BSc MSc
FH Kärnten gemeinnützige GmbH
Department of Engineering & IT
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach
+43 5 90500 2167