Laman Aliyeva – Azerbaijan, Class of 2018


Hallo! My name is Laman, and I am from Azerbaijan. I studied my Bachelor’s degree in Lomonosov Moscow State University, and my field of study was Economics.

As in every bachelor program, there was a lot of theory and plenty of practical knowledge. However, I think that it is crucial to gain more practical and specific knowledge to enter the business world as a strong and competent specialist. I believe that the European education system is more focused on specific skills and useful information. That’s why I decided to obtain my Master’s degree in one of the European countries.
I was looking for a university and a program which would allow me to make my graduate studies intensive and applicable to the real life. That is why the necessary condition was to choose a university which provides a diverse curriculum program and strong teaching staff. Of all the universities I considered applying, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has everything I dreamed of. CUAS stands out for me because it provides not only a strong curriculum covering the key topics I wanted to study such as strategic management, academic writing in international business, international trade, contract law, digital marketing or sales management; but also, an opportunity to learn a foreign language. I think that nowadays it is very important to know as many languages as possible. Speaking three foreign languages – Russian, German and English – helps me to gain experience in a wider international community, and I was excited to get a chance to learn also Italian at CUAS.

The last but not the least thing I love about CUAS is an opportunity to meet amazing professionals from the real business world. During each semester we had guest lecturers who were keen on sharing their experience and valuable knowledge about different situations in real business. In addition, a possibility to choose specific specialization within the International Business Management program was very appealing to me.

I believe that Carinthia University of Applied Science is one of the most important milestones on my career path. And I wish every student to build their path from such milestones!