The programme Management of Conservation Areas is being counselled by 3 different Advisory Boards. A continuous flow of information and exchange within this network provides the programme management with up-to-date knowledge and access to current trends and discourses in nature conservation.
The Institutional Board of the MCA’s function is to give access to most recent developments, decisions and policies of relevant international institutions. Amongst others, members are representatives of the IUCN/WCPA, the Ramsar Convention, the Europarc Federation, the ALPARC Network, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Agence Française pour la Biodiversité, the KfW German Development Bank, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the FAOSEC (FAO) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT)
The Scientific Board is securing the excellency of scientific methods and pedagogic approaches, as well as to give access to most recent concepts and theories, empiric work and research results. It consists of scientists and researchers from Europe’s centres of excellence in environmental studies and from most renowned Universities.
The Austrian experience pool is an open forum that gives access to exemplary Austrian parks, best practice, show cases, model projects but also conflicts and problems that can be visited, discussed and analysed by the program´s participants. Possibilities for seminar works, master thesis and internships arise out of the fluent exchange.